newborn has days and nights mixed up

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Results 41-50 from 392 articles

Fitful Sleep in Newborn

L.G. asks from Denver

Hi! My five-week-old boy has been groaning, moaning, and fidgeting (raising his legs in the air) in his sleep for about the past week. At first we thought he was awak...


My Newborn Is Awake a Lot!

M.M. asks from Chicago

My baby is 6 weeks old and seems to be awake more than he should. He was awake last night from 7-12:45am and also awake yesterday from 10am-1pm. When he is awake, h...


Seeking Help for Colicy Newborn

D.W. asks from Washington DC

My daughter just recently had a baby boy; he was one month old last Wednesday. He has become very fussy and crying between the hours of 7 - 10 pm. everynight. Being...


Newborn with Horrible Gas

M.W. asks from Atlanta

My 4 week old is having horrible gas pretty much all the time but it seems like it gets worse in the afternoon & evening. She will wake up in the middle of a nap cry...


Sos---suggestions Needed for Newborn Sleeping

L.S. asks from Austin

Hi, I cannot figure out the best way to help my 6 week old sleep at night. She is obviously tired. Let me tell you what happens and hopefully people can offer suggest...


Any Ideas on Getting Newborn to Sleep at Night?

C.P. asks from Pittsburgh

I have a 6 week old son who is still not sleeping at night. He loves to sleep during the day. He can sleep through the sweeper, TV, train, etc. At around 10 pm he see...


Help, My 6 Month Old Is Sleeping like a Newborn Again *Sigh*

D.A. asks from Austin

Hi, I am hoping the mom's on this list may have had experience with sleep trouble and how to resolve them. My 6 month old was getting 5-6 hours of sleep on good nigh...


Newborn up All Night!!!!

K.R. asks from St. Louis

If anyone can offer me a word of advice, I would greatly appreciate it. My new baby girl sleeps all day and is up all night. She was wide awake last night from 10:30p...


First Time Mom Needing Help W/ Newborn Naps

R.H. asks from Salt Lake City

I have a 7 week old little girl who for the last 3 weeks has stopped napping after nursing, for most of her naps except 1 time during the day. And that is usually ...


Newborn Sleep

J.A. asks from Chicago

Hi moms, I am hoping to get some advice. My daughter is 8 weeks old and is my first child. I don't have alot of experience with babies, so I am wondering...when d...

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