newborn has days and nights mixed up

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Results 31-40 from 392 articles

Better Sleep for a Newborn

S.M. asks from Cincinnati

This is just a curiosity question.. I would like to know some tips or what you did to get a newborn on a good sleep schedule. I have a 7 week old and I don't think he...


Forming Good Sleeping Habits in a Newborn

P.Z. asks from Philadelphia

My 2 week old daughter has her nights and days mixed up. She sleeps all day and then wants to be awake all night. I've tried to keep her awake during the day, but it ...


How Early Do You Take Your Newborn Out of the House?

C.D. asks from Austin

Asking because I'm about to pop w/ baby #3. Mother-in-law would like for me to make it to church with the new baby for Christmas Eve Mass...what if she is only 3-4 ...


My Newborn Is Awake All Night

T.C. asks from Minneapolis

She is only a week old....but she has day and night backwards. I will feed her well before bedtime and put her in her bassinet and she's awake within 10 minutes want...


Newborn Baby Question

R.D. asks from New York

Hi. I have a one week old little girl and she sleeps all day and night. Now, I have a five year old son and he never slept, even as an infant. Is this normal? She ha...


Sleeping Routine with a Newborn

S.P. asks from Glens Falls

Right now i am not working but i unfortunately have to go back to work starting december first. My baby is only just over 2 weeks old and he is up every hour to two h...


My Newborn Won't Sleep at Nighttime

L.S. asks from Sacramento

I have a 3 week old son. He sleeps all day, except to wake up to be fed and changed and easily fals back asleep again. Then at about 11pm he'll wake up and I'll chang...


My Newborn Is!!!

A.K. asks from Louisville

my sisters son was born june 14 2008. he nurses like a champ but sleeps ALL day and is awake at night. she had a c section so is on pain killers. we think maybe thats...


Newborn Sleep-- HELP!

A.W. asks from Grand Junction

My son is just over 2 weeks old and is still confused about day and night. He sleeps all day and is awake at least every hour and a half (or more!) at night. I wake h...


Putting Newborn down to Sleep

C.K. asks from Denver

I have read up on every philosophy, and have beens so frusterated trying to figure out the best way to put baby down to sleep. Right now the easy way is to rock her,...

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