newborn has days and nights mixed up

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3 Weeks Old Baby Not Sleeping

Oct 14, 2009 ... have you considered about co-sleeping? nobody has mentioned it, as of yet. both of my daughters had their days and nights mixed up and both ...

Not Feeling like a Good Mom

It sounds like your newborn has her days and nights mixed up and that is why she is not going to bed until 2. With my second one, at night time, I put her ...

Newborn with Horrible Gas

We've tried Mylicon drops, pumping her legs up & down to release the gas, ..... I bought a bottle of Mylanta and mixed it stronger than Mylicon. .... You could never do the same thing two nights in a row. ... We went thru a ton of $ changing formulas every 2-3 days until we found one that worked for him. ...

Sleeping in the Night

It will sort itself out soon as he gets a little older, and has the .... He had his days and nights messed up. He would be up all day, then sleep all night. ...

Baby Only Sleeps in Car Seat!!

I wonder if she has reflux. My daughter slept in her swing until she was 6 ... our son in his car seat to sleep because he had his days and nights mixed up. ...

Not Getting Any Sleep

This has been going on for about 2 weeks now. I've tried everything that I can think of including ... She could also have her days and nights mixed up. ...

5 Month Old Fighting Sleep

I made that mistake with my son & my daughter, make sure she has a full belly lay .... If she naps during the day she may have her days and nights mixed up. ...

Baby Won't Sleep

Read all 27 responses: "Has anyone ever had the experience of an eight week old baby not ... I thought it was bad her having her days and nights mixed up. ...

Need Advice for Increasing Milk Production

My baby is 3 weeks old, and has a very good appetite. After I nurse, he is usually ... Does your baby have his days and nights mixed up? On your nipples. ...

First Time Momma

If he's sleeping at night doesnt matter how much they sleep during the day they re growing BUT dont let him get his nights and days mixed up and keep you up ...
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