My new grandson is now a week old and has his days and nights mixed up. He sleeps all day, waking only for feeding. Around 11:00 PM he wakes up and stays awake for ...
My 7 week old is having a lot of congetion. He recently started having a dry cough because of the drainage. The doc told me to use the saline drops, and suction out...
everyone tells us not to feed baby until he is 4 to 6 months old my mom keeps telling me it is ok to start baby on ceral now just by putting a little rice ceral in Bo...
How long did your newborn start sleeping more than 1 or 2 hours during the night? When we first came home, he would sleep for 3 hours at the beginning of the night (...
This is just a curiosity question.. I would like to know some tips or what you did to get a newborn on a good sleep schedule. I have a 7 week old and I don't think he...
I have a 4 week old little girl. She is easy going for the most part but head strong. She knows what she wants and is just waiting for us to figure it out. She has a ...
Just got back from hospital with my second child! Last night was pretty rough-- I don't know if I blocked out the first few weeks sleeping with my first, but I felt ...
My dd is 14 days old and I am having increasing difficulty getting her to sleep in her crib. I was able to get her to sleep in it when we first got home during the da...
Asking because I'm about to pop w/ baby #3. Mother-in-law would like for me to make it to church with the new baby for Christmas Eve Mass...what if she is only 3-4 ...
My baby (second) is now five days old and will only wake up two or three short periods a day (except half-heartedly to eat). I would say she sleeps at least 20 hours...