My SD seems to throw up an awful lot. She went through a big phase right around the summer before Kindy (she's in 1st) now where it was happening at least once a mont...
My 14 month old daughter has been vomiting for a week (since last Monday). The first day was 5-6 times, and then 2-3 times a day. We have tried just sips of Pedialy...
My daughter started vomiting 8 days ago. It went away but came back 2 days later, and now she is throwing up every night in the middle of the night. In addition to th...
he has had all the tests going and the doctors are no further forward . Thanks for all your replies. I was asking to see if anyone knew of another child with this one...
My son turned a year on March 21st so we started introducing whole milk - slowly - one oz a time. We were up to 5oz whole milk and 3 oz formula on Saturday. On Sunday...
My 2 1/2 yr old is now resisting her bedtime and brings on all forms of manipulation/ procrastination so she doesn't have to go to sleep. The latest is now vomiting ...
My 11 year old daughter has suddenly developed frequent headaches, dizziness, and some nausea/vomiting when she wakes up. By 10am, it's gone. I've had MRIs, CT scan...
I have been experiencing what seems exactly like morning sickness for the past week, I get mildly nausious most mornings and fel 100% better after I eat breakfast, on...
My 13 month old has been vomiting about once a day for the past week. She doesn't have a fever and seems completely healthy otherwise. Most of the time she's b...
My daughter has always thrown up a little more than the average child, but it has never been that big of a problem, we just figured she had a sensitive stomach. But r...