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Results 151-160 from 162 articles

Nursing a Preemie

R.D. asks from Jackson

My ds was born at 35 weeks and stayed in the NICU for 11 days. Now that we are home a am trying to nurse him more and feed him less with the bottle. He latches on g...


Husband Is Going Through Mid-life Crisis. How Do I Cope?

T.P. asks from San Francisco

We've finally identified why my husband's sudden change of attitude towards me after 11 years of marriage. He wants to separate. I've asked for a divorce, but he says...


Dry Skin That Hurts.

M.G. asks from Oklahoma City

my 2 year old has very dry skin like i do. its really hard in the winter on me i use lotion and i do fine. i use baby lotion on my daughter after each bath and in the...


Allergies or Cold?

D.B. asks from Birmingham

I have a six month old girl and she seems to constantly have a cold. She had a cold for two weeks, then two days with no symptoms then another week of cold symptoms. ...


Alternative Vaccination

E.A. asks from Raleigh

I have been researching the options for vaccinations, and whether or not we want to do it at all. My head is now spinning with all the info. out there and differing ...


Breastfeeding Help

J.G. asks from Nashville

I have a little girl who is 8 days old today. I don't seem to be making enough breastmilk to satify her and have had to supplement some with formula. I let her nurs...


Teen Daughter Curfew

B.H. asks from Memphis

My daughter is 16 she says all her other friends are allowed to stay out until midnight. I have set her curfew at 11:00PM, I do not beleive there is any reason to st...


18 Year Old Son with Extreme Behavor Problems

E.W. asks from Greensboro

I have struggled through the past 10 years with my son. My husand and I were married when my son was 4 years old. His Dr and I believe he is bi-polor but we can not...



C.C. asks from Los Angeles

My 10 month old daughter has eczema on the backof her legs. It has gotten bad inthe last few days, to where she will not sleep at night unless I am holding her. I h...


Colicky 7 Week Old Seems Misreable During the Day

L.G. asks from Decatur

Help! I'm grandma, and in my day we called it "colic". My 7 week old granddaughter sleeps as you'd expect (with two feedings) during the night, but when she's awake...

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Answer Highlights

  • book called the happiest baby on the block in 2 answers "and harvey karp has a great book called the happiest baby on the block- the five s's ..."
  • la leche league leader in 2 answers "I recommend that you contact your local La Leche League Leader too."
  • flax seed oil in 3 answers "... on and covering skin with pure cotton pjs (long) -a tablespoon of flax seed oil ..."
  • hot compresses on your breast in 2 answers "it will come in you can also try hot compresses on your breast until then good luck!"
  • la leche league in 3 answers "I don't have much experience with this but maybe la leche league or a lactation consultant ..."