my husband sucked hi

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Suggestions for Taking My Sensitive 3 and a Half Year Old on a Plane

R.J. asks from Honolulu

hi wonderful mommies! i have a very sensitive 3 and a half year old little girl. she really doesn't like loud noises or fast driving and will cry. at christmas tim...


New Job, Not Eligible for Maternity Leave

K.D. asks from Columbus

Hi everyone, hopefully someone can help me. I was working the same job for 4 years, my husband and I were trying to 5 months to get pregnant when I had put in my 2 we...


Email Address for 8 Year Old

F.B. asks from Harrisburg

My mother has told me that one of her husband's grandsons would like to be an email penpal to my 8 year old daughter. She has suggested to me that my daughter is old...


Work Question

L.R. asks from Boston

Hi all, I consider parenting a full time job. However, I've been working part time to bring in a few extra bucks. It doesn't pay me all that well and I'm working...


Pest Control Help!

J.J. asks from Tampa

hi everybody i need to get rid of a roach infestion. they are coming from our neighbor appartment. it's easy to get rid of them in the house but it seems that ther...


Delayed Post Pardum

K.B. asks from Chicago

Hi, My name is K. ann marie and I have a wonderful 16 month old. I have been depressed lately, and have had some anxiety. The first 14 months of my sons life were wo...


Its a Tough Year.

B.K. asks from San Francisco

Hi Mamas/Dads This year is kicking me in the axx big time. There seems to be one drama after the other. I seem to be continually stressed about finance. I'm 38 yrs ...


My 4Yo Bites Her Nails

L.B. asks from Dallas

Hi! What can I do to discourage my 4yo from biting her fingernails. If possible, I'd really like to break her of this habit while she is still young. I know there ...


Need Relationship Advice; Should I Leave My Son's Father?

M.P. asks from Chicago

Hi moms,*****Sorry for the length but it's important.********** I need help. I'm seriously thinking that leaving my son's father is the best thing to do...for me. We...


Seeking Help for My Child's Pacifier Addiction!

E.C. asks from Chicago

Hi Moms! I am looking for advice on how to help my daughter (27 months) say good bye to her drug of choice, the pacifier. Is there anyone out there in momworld who ...

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Answer Highlights

  • portable dvd player in 3 answers "I actually sucked it up and bought a portable dvd player with a few of my son's fav ..."
  • went cold turkey in 4 answers "So, on the youngest one's 1st birthday - we went cold turkey - with all three - AND ..."
  • boric acid in 3 answers "... try using the very old-fashioned method that worked for us.......Boric acid ..."
  • name in the subject line in 3 answers "I usually type for the girl's name in the subject line, and knowing them, she probably ..."
  • cant use your email in 2 answers "I don;t see why the child still can't use your email account for another year or two."