my husband sucked hi

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What to Expect After a C Section

N.T. asks from Detroit

Hi everyone, I am due any day and am hoping for a vaginal delivery. However there is a possiblity that I may need a c section due to baby's size. I'm wondering i...


Well the DREADED Question

J.G. asks from Boca Raton

Hi my daughter is 15 months old on the 27th. I had every intention of taking away "the Binky" at a year...then she became a year old and to me still seemed like such ...


Snacker Who Won't Take Pacifier

J.P. asks from Miami

Hi, I am looking for help with breastfeeding. According to books my son is labeled a snacker. He is 9 weeks old and has never slept more than 20 minutes after feedi...


What Am I Doing??

M.H. asks from Lewiston

Hi I am a newbie and this is actually my first request!! I don't even know where to start. I have gotten myself into a situation that I feel there is no good solutio...


Dad Won't Cooperate

R.F. asks from Stockton

We have an 18 month old who loves to share our bed at night. As an infant I would bring the baby to our bed to nurse but quickly stopped as I felt he would cry just ...


My Marriage Is Going down the Drain

S.K. asks from Dallas

hi everyone i've been married with my husband for three years and we i have two kids with him and one from previous but my son thinks my husband is his father he tr...


Grandparents Always Forgets Our Kids Bdays

M.T. asks from Boca Raton

Grandparents always forget our kids bdays yet my husband always calls for their birthdays, mothers, fathers day. He won't tell them either as you can't tell his moth...


Anyone Else Having Hubby Issues?

M.L. asks from Jacksonville

Video games, the computer, beer.. you name it and my husband is doing it. Our daughter i s almost 3months old and i am doing EVERYTHING. Not that i mind, i love her m...


Mirena IUD Compared to Normal Copper IUD

M.B. asks from Green Bay

Hi there, does anyone know the differences between the Mirena IUD and a normal copper IUD? Also, has anyone gotten one taken out before the normal time it is in (5 y...


Anyone Familiar with Adoption?

L.S. asks from Los Angeles

My husband and I are considering adoption. His biggest fear is being able to bond with the child the way he has bonded with our biological son. Anyone have some stori...

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Answer Highlights

  • la leche league in 3 answers "... he doesn't need a pacifier or to be constantly on the breast 6. La Leche League ..."
  • time to say bye bye in 2 answers "... that we had a gradual but tearless resolution when it was time to say bye bye ..."
  • several heart to hearts in 3 answers "Then after baby number two we had several heart to hearts before the issue was resolved."
  • certified lactation consultant in 2 answers "I would recommend talking to a Board Certified Lactation Consultant just to rule out ..."
  • did not wear a binder in 2 answers "... several hours I'd take a SLOW lap around the floor. I did not wear a binder ..."