my baby sweats a lot

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MIL Smoking Issue

L.A. asks from Reno

My mother in law smokes and while she doesn't do it around the baby, I really don't want her holding our 6 week old against her clothes or anything. Am I over reactin...


Monster Mosquito Bites

T.M. asks from Detroit

So now that is is summer I have to deal with the lovely bug bites. For some reason the mosquitos love me and my 5 yr old not my 4yr old and my husband just us. So t...


Female Sterilization

J.S. asks from Los Angeles

I'm pregnant with our 2nd child and after this baby, I know for a fact that we are done. I read that it's easy to get sterilized right after delivery and I'm thinkin...


In Need of Hearing from like Mamas with Early Menopause.

L.B. asks from Sacramento

I just found out today that I am in menopause at age 42. I have a one year old boy that was conceived very easily however I had hot flashes and irregular periods prio...


Physical Postpartum Symptoms?

M.G. asks from Washington DC

Hi Moms, My sister had her 1st baby 4 days ago and although she is thrilled and excited, she is experiencing some physical postpartum symptoms. Especially last nig...


I'm I Crazy?

S.S. asks from Spartanburg

I have a question for the moms. I have just returned to work after having my baby. (some of you have been following my post) It has only been 4 days. I am not very ha...


What to Pack in "The Bag"

S.T. asks from Kansas City

Hey there all you wonderful mama's!! I am 38 weeks with our first baby. I am just wondering, aside from the obvious things, what all should I pack in my hospital bag?...


Body Odor

D.D. asks from Austin

Does anyone's child have body odor? My son never had this, but my 5 yr old's armpits smell. Is it because she's a girl? I asked our doctor and he said it happens ...


Early Menopause Symptoms?

K.P. asks from Dallas

I am 41, and had my third child at 39 in 2006. I seem to be having some menopause symptoms, and had my doctor do a blood workup, but it showed all my hormone levels ...


Personal Problems, Make Friends and Feeling Better??

D.R. asks from San Francisco

I have been having a lot of emotional issues in the last few weeks, I love me 7mth old daughter and her dad but lately I feel I have nothing else in the world but the...

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