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Results 21-30 from 6,074 articles

Slow Meeting Gross Motor Milestones

A.K. asks from Chicago

Hello. I am new to this site and have a question about my nine month old son. He just turned nine months but has of yet to crawl, move from sitting to other positio...


21 Month Old with Motor Tic

R.W. asks from Dallas

We recently found out that our 21 month old has a motor tic. Right now, her tic is double blinking. At times, she will go a hour or so CONSTANTLY double blinking ov...


Motor Skills, Small vs Large

S.S. asks from Cincinnati

my son is going to turn year old in week, and he hasnt shown any intrest in walking. in fact he has just started pulling up, he didnt learn to crawl intill 10mnth bec...


Promotingfine Motor Skills for 2Yr Old

A.A. asks from Minneapolis

My two-year-old daughter, Michelle, was found to have slight delays in fine motor skills for her age. I think it might be partially to blame on her temperment; she's ...


Gross Motor Delay in an 8 Month Old

M.F. asks from New York

My daughter is almost 8 1/2 months and is showing gross motor delays. Except for a few times around 3 months old, she never rolled over. She is also not close to cr...


Gross Motor Delays in 15-Month-old Son

C.K. asks from Minneapolis

I am starting to have some concerns about my 15-month-old-son's gross motor skills. He is not yet walking independently--he walks around the room while holding onto f...


Looking for Fine Motor Skills Books

C.S. asks from Albuquerque

I have found out that my son is a bit behind in his fine motor skills. He started occupational therapy at the end of last year - 3 seesions of 12 that they recommende...


Fine Motor Skills Delay - What Does the Future Hold?

J.F. asks from Phoenix

I have 2 sons, ages 3 and 22 months, that both have speach delays. The theory is that the speach delays are due in part to fine motor skills delays. My 3 year old i...


Speech "Motor Planning" Issue Related to Behavior?

J.O. asks from Detroit

Is a potential motor planning speech problem in a 3-year-old causing related to other problems? What do you make of this? Her behaviors include: lots of whining l...


6Year Old Gross Motor Skills

L.S. asks from Cleveland

Hi, My son is a 6yr. old highly intelligent young man. He is in first grade but can read on a 4th grade level. However, I am concerned regarding his gross motor ...

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Answer Highlights

  • fine motor skills development in 2 answers "... stores, they should be able to help you with the fine motor skills development ..."
  • started crawling on all fours in 2 answers "Suddenly, in the last 2 weeks, he has started crawling on all fours and is now pulling ..."
  • gross motor skills in 4 answers "It is actually normal for children to develop either fine or gross motor skills, one ..."
  • motor skill delays in 2 answers "... quite a few children (most of them boys) who had speech and motor skill delays ..."
  • gross motor development in 3 answers "... worth, my own son has always been on the lagging end of gross motor development."