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Results 171-180 from 6,074 articles

How Do I Break the Swaddling?

S.K. asks from Denver

My son is about 4 months old, he is big around 18 pounds. Swaddling has been part of our routine since he was 4 weeks old. I have used the Swaddle Me blankets and the...


Almost 4 Yr Old Son Having Problems in Preschool

B.M. asks from Washington DC

Hi Moms: My son will be 4 in November. He started a full-day daycare/preschool this summer. I then switched him to one closer to home where he would be with kids h...


Delayed Development 9 Month Old

N.F. asks from Seattle

My youngest son, who just turned 9 months, had his 9 month check up yesterday. I told the doctor I was concerned about his development as far as gross motor skills. S...


My 5 Year Old Very Social Kindergartner Daughter Is Not Socializing in School

B.S. asks from New York

I was told by her teacher today ( It's only second week of school, I know), "She's not socializing with the other children, she goes off to the side and does her own ...


My 16 Month Old Is Not Walking, Need Advice

B.L. asks from Madison

I have a 16 month old boy who is not walking, cruising, or standing on his own. He has been a very content baby and has shown little interest on his gross motor skil...


Six Year Old Has Difficulty with Numbers and Colors

P.F. asks from San Francisco

My six-year old son can't retain the names of colors, his age, and a few other concepts. He's bright, has had a psych test to confirm that there are no pervasive lear...


Does Anyone Else Have a Child with ADHD, Then Think the Sibling May Also?

K.B. asks from Portland

My 5 year old started kindegarden this year, and I just spoke with the teacher. He is having problems concentrating, sliding out of his chair, cant stay focused,ect....


Should My 3 Year Old Be Writing Letters?

R.M. asks from Los Angeles

Hi mamas, In reading through a couple other requests/advice columns it seems that a lot of moms have 3 year olds that are already writing their letters. My son is...


How Do I Get My 15 Month Old to Speak?

C.G. asks from Amarillo

Hi, well here is my question. We recently took my 15 month old to the Pedia & she asked if he spoke at least 4 full words. The answer No! He says Dada to my husband &...


MMR Question.

R.S. asks from Seattle

First I know the "study" about the supposed link between autism and MMR has been "officially debunked." Second, I got the MMR vaccine when I was pregnant and didn't k...

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