
Related Questions & Answers

Results 151-160 from 6,074 articles

Old Breastpump

B.H. asks from Phoenix

Does anyone know what I should do with my old breastpump? Is there a place that recycles the old pump motor? Or do you just toss it out in the trash? I know you can'...


Teaching 3 Yr Old to Use Scissors...

L.D. asks from Spartanburg

I'm having the hardest time teaching my son how to hold the scissors, much less cut with them. His left hand is his dominant hand so that's already a problem. I am al...


Strange Feeling When Baby Moves.

S.B. asks from Portland

Okay, this seems a little odd and I'm probably just being an overly anxious mom so I have to ask for my own sanity:-). I am about 27 weeks pregnant with my second ch...


Late Talker Question

K.S. asks from Dallas

My son is 20 months old and is a "late talker". I thought maybe he was speech delayed so I was looking into different options such as a private speech therapist,ECI,d...


Nurturing My Child's Interest

S.C. asks from Los Angeles

I hope that my request would not be misinterpreted and bring upon any negative comments. My daughter is currently 2 yrs., 4months. But before she had even turned 1...


Activities for Son with Severe Speech Delayed

S.J. asks from Tampa

hi everybody my son has a severe speech delayed and is developmentally delayed too but very active. actually he hasn't been diagnosed yet but i'm sure that he is. ...


16 Month Old Diagnosed with "Oral Aversion" and Not Eating Solid Foods

C.S. asks from Boston

I was wondering if there is anyone out there with similar issues. My 16 month old son eats only cheerios and crackers. He refuses to even try anything else. He is cur...


What Is Your 3 Year Old Doing?

M.B. asks from Florence

My son will be 3 in May. It seems like all the other boys his age are more advanced in some areas then he is. It seems like he is a little more babyish than others. I...


Helping with Writing Skills

P.G. asks from Dallas

HI Moms, My little guy is in Kindergarten and doing pretty well. He got his 2nd "report card" and has improved or maintained in all areas in a good way except for ...


Any Great Simple Ideas on Home Made Toys or Activities-infant to Preschool Age??

N.B. asks from Minneapolis

Looking for any creative, safe and simple ideas from you creative Mama's out there. Any who home school or work with children...your own or others! I am trying to bum...

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Answer Highlights

  • braxton hicks contractions in 2 answers "Also those most disconcerting cramps are probably Braxton Hicks contractions."
  • working on fine motor skills in 2 answers "... wiht the others about strengthening his hands and working on fine motor skills."
  • his fine motor skills in 2 answers "He is only 3 His fine motor skills and strength of his hands may not be ready yet."
  • left handed scissors in 2 answers "I would go buy the left handed scissors (you know, the ones with the green handles ..."
  • right handed scissors in 2 answers "... make too much sense). He will be able to adapt to regular/right handed scissors ..."