mono in toddler

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Results 1-10 from 52 articles

Mom and Baby Have Mono

K.P. asks from Houston

I just learned I have mono. Two weeks ago my son brought what I thought was a cold home from daycare (he is 4.5 months). I got the cold and we thought it turned into ...


Toddler Constipation

A.J. asks from Medford

My daughter has been having problems with constipation for a while and I don't know what to do anymore. She gets Benefiber in her milk every morning and we feed her ...


Seeking Any Tips for First Trip to Disneyland with Our Toddler

S.D. asks from Phoenix

We are leaving this Friday for three fun filled days in the Magic Kingdom. While my husband and I have been to Disneyland dozens of times, this is our first trip with...


Daughter and Grandson Sick Please Advise

K.C. asks from Charleston

My daughter 35 has been run down for a while. At 35 she homeschools three children under 8 and has an 18 month old. recently found out she has Mono and the baby was...


Toddler Won't Put Weight on One Foot and Now a Fever?

K.K. asks from Des Moines

Ok, I will try to relay the info as good as possible. *a week or so before all this started, my son had been cranky, nasty runny nose...I thought it was a combo c...


18-Month Old Toddler with Fatigue and Abnormal Bloodwork

M.E. asks from Los Angeles

Hi, I am very worried about my daughter, and it is consuming my life. For the past 5/6 weeks she has seemed very tired. She has had 3 CBCs done since then and her lym...


Getting Rid of the Binky and Sleeping Issues

K.R. asks from Kansas City

So my question is two fold....My 23 month old has mono and we are back to waking up multiple times throughout the night. We were doing good with sleeping until this r...


Immune Issue in My Toddler?

J.M. asks from Cleveland

Hi ladies, OK, I'm freaking out a little. My son is only 14 months old and has been sick for most of his short life. He's had at least 15 ear infections and subs...


Toddler Likes Black?

G.T. asks from San Francisco

My 3 years old son likes the black color. Ever since he was able to hold a crayon, he would always go first for the black. If I remove all the black crayons from the...


Toddler - Cold Virus & Swollen Glands?

A.R. asks from Cheyenne

My 2 1/2 y.o. son has been sick with a cold (upper respiratory tract infection) for about a week. It is that kind of cold virus that lingers, everyone in our househol...

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