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Results 31-40 from 54 articles

Selling Baby Clothes

M.T. asks from San Francisco

Hi there! We're having a neighborhood garage sale soon and I'd like to finally sell all of our baby gear that we haven't given to others. I have about two years worth...


Need Advice on Teaching My 21 Mo. Old to Sleep on Her Own

C.K. asks from Seattle

Yes, I know that I am starting late on the self-soothing or teaching her to fall asleep on her own, but I am trying now. We started about 3 weeks ago. I told her th...


Do You Have a Matching Bedroom Set?

L.. asks from Roanoke

My husband and I have a cruddy, ugly, old, faded bedroom set that was passed down to us from my in-laws when we first got together. And THEY had it for years; and it...


Sleep Sharing

J.H. asks from Washington DC

I have been sleeping in the bed with my 2 3/4 year old since birth (bad idea) and now it is time to move out of there. My being there is hindering her rest now, beca...


My Almost 5 Won't Sleep in Her Own bed-Help!

C.A. asks from Minneapolis

My almost 5 year old daughter WILL NOT sleep in her own room/bed. She did just fine from the time she left her crib (2) until we had her brother (3), so now for the ...


He Has as Good as Credit as You Can Get... I Have the Worst - What Happens When

M.R. asks from Dallas

Hi mommas :) He has as good as credit as you can get... I have the worst - what happens when we get married? A lot of mine is from the ex, joint everything. I ha...


Where to buy kids clothes that offer deferred billing in Evansville, IN?

A.W. asks from Evansville

Running short on funds at the moment but my kids desperatly need some new clothes for Spring and Summer. Its not that I cant afford nice clothing, just that we have ...


Leaky Diapers!!

H.S. asks from Greensboro

My little girl is 9 months old and sleeps with me most of the time (although we are trying to get her to sleep in her crib now- that's another story for another day!)...


My Two Year Old Son Is Driving Me Crazy!!

M.B. asks from St. Louis

Hi Ladies! Past couple weeks my son has been more than a handful. He knows how to open doors, unlock dooors and even break the child locks off the doorknobs. I had...


Seeking Advice on How to Get My 5Yr Old to Sleep in Her Own Room

W.R. asks from Houston

My 5yr old daughter is still sleeping in my bed and we can't seem to get her out! She initially slept in her own room, however, she underwent hip surgery about 2 yrs ...

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