marketing job

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Results 121-130 from 1,329 articles

To Stay Home or Keep Working... Keep Reading, I'm All Sorts of Confused.

L.S. asks from Omaha

This is really long, but please read if you can. I'm really conflicted. I have been a full-time, working mother since my first child was born 11 years ago. I have fro...


Work from Home

L.S. asks from Los Angeles

Does anybody have any good ideas or contacts for a job I can do from home?


Going Back to Work

L.M. asks from Los Angeles

So I'm thinking about starting to look for a job. I'm wondering how someone goes about doing this now? When I started my last job -- 13 yrs ago now - I've been home...


How to Get over Fear & Anxiety After Being Away from Workforce for Several Years

K.A. asks from Philadelphia

Looking for advice from any HR professional or friendly advice. I have been away from the workforce for abt. 11 years on and off to stay at home with my children. I a...


Working from Home.

K.S. asks from Dallas

Legitimate job opportunities that allow you to work from home? Please help!


Work from Home

T.L. asks from Sacramento

I would love to work at home from my computer. Any suggestions on where to look for a job?


Really Irritating? Movie Toys Geared Towards Too-young Kiddos....

J.G. asks from Minneapolis

I am so frustrated with the whole marketing thing lately. Toys for movies like Toy Story 3, for example, marketed to his age group from movies I'd never let him watch...



A.I. asks from Eau Claire

I'm a stay at home mom with 3 boys ages ranging from 4,3, and 1!! My husband and my inlaws are constantly on my case about getting a job. We have only one vechile a...


Melaleuca Moms (And Dads)

P.:. asks from Phoenix

I have been a Melaleuca customer since March 2010 and quickly feel in love with the products and the company and in June decided to become a marketing executive on a ...


I Need Advice!!!

D.M. asks from Pittsburgh

I currently have a 3 day a week daylight job. I enrolled my daughter in daycare for those 3 days. I have been looking for a new job with more money so that after payi...

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Answer Highlights

  • owning your own business in 2 answers "... income, earn free products, free trips, pride of owning your own business ..."
  • legally bound to tell in 2 answers "dr they might be legally bound to tell them, but if you went to your own physician ..."
  • toy story movies in 2 answers "... but my 3 and 5 year old boys haven't had any issues with any Toy Story movies ..."
  • pirates of the caribbean in 2 answers "... to the Transformers, Spider Man, Green Lantern, Pirates of the Caribbean ..."
  • paid maternity leave in 2 answers "However, trying to get paid Maternity Leave may be an issue."