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Results 151-160 from 213 articles

Sunshinde Kids Carseat Question or Any Other Suggestions?

M.P. asks from Provo

Hey moms! I have a huge baby. He's 28 lbs and 30 inches at 9 months. When he was 3 months old he out grew his infant seat so I got a britax marathon. I love the seat!...


At Home Work

B.S. asks from San Diego

hey moms, I was wondering if anyone knows of something to do at home that is NOT sales (I already do that when I wan to) or presentations at all, but something that i...


How to Get Rid of Mold and Ants in House?

V. asks from Boca Raton

Hi, Dear Moms! Any advises will be very appreciated how to get rid of ants inside of the house - 3 sizes ( I tried electronic, catchers and "food" for ants). Did you...


Donating Hair

S.F. asks from Utica

A little over 3 months ago someone posted about donating their hair. I was actually planning on doing this on the same day that this poster was and for some odd rea...


Help Me Find a Creative Way to Stop the Tattling!

B.C. asks from Dallas

4 kids, between 4-5 years old and I'm constantly being told, "Miss Bethany, so and so isn't cleaning!" (while I'm watching!), etc. It's almost constant in this house ...


Garland, Texas

N.H. asks from Dallas

Does anyone know anything about Garland, Texas? Has anyone ever lived there and how was the experience? How safe is it and what areas are considered where people want...


If You Went to College, What Was Major? If You Didn't, What Would It Have Been?

M.P. asks from Chicago

Just to switch things up from talk about kids!


Jff-my Own Presidential Poll. Who Will You Vote For? ONE SENTENCE PLEASE!

M.P. asks from Peoria

We always see the polls but I want to see the reality by asking all you moms (or dads) out there. After seeing the debate last night, who will you vote for and why I...


When Medications Dont Help

M.A. asks from Dallas

does anyone know if there is any natural remedies for depression and anxiety? long story short, i took meds from fifteen to twenty and gave up on them. they worked f...


Do You Buy Generic or Store Brands? If Not, Why?

N.L. asks from Los Angeles

I’m trying to save money right now and cutting down our shopping expenses. When shopping at Target I decided to buy certain Target brand merchandise. A neighb...

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