
Related Questions & Answers

Results 171-180 from 216 articles

Fundraising Advice

L.S. asks from Minneapolis

Has anyone ever organized a breast cancer fundraiser? Any tips?


Is There Anything Else I Can Do!!!

L.C. asks from Clarksville

Currently my common-law and myself have gotten a place with a his mother who has recently gone blind and can not support herself any more. We have a 3 and a half year...


Elderly Parent W/ Alzheimer's Get Checked for Polyps in Colon?

K.S. asks from Detroit

I have to decide whether or not to have my elderly aunt with Alzheimer's get checked for polyps in her colon. What do you think? Her short term memory is nearly gone,...


Results from My Sister's Breast Exam

B.R. asks from Dallas

My sister just recently received her results back from her mammogram. The result came back abnormal because an area on her breast was shown benign. They told her to...


Do I Need to Butt Out

T.H. asks from Oklahoma City

Let me start off by saying my sister and I are fairly close, as in we talk every other night. Its usually about how was your day that sort of thing. We aren't the typ...


Breast Leaking

S.D. asks from Las Vegas

The past few days my right breast has been leaking clear sticky fluid with a tinge of yellow if i squeeze it. My daughter is 18 months and I never breast-fed. I start...


A Bra for My 9 Year Old...

B.C. asks from Dallas

I noticed today that my 9 year old is growing some lumps. :) I pointed it out to her and she said, "Yeah, I know." I told her that she needs a trainer bra. She isn't ...


Looking for Idea's on a "Team Name" Doing the 3-Day BREAST CANCER WALK

S.B. asks from Chicago

Need some help from my outside source. I am doing the walk in August and have to come up with a Team Name and for some reason my creativity has just gone out the win...


Worried..abnormal Pap

B.B. asks from Columbus

I got a call from my OB today saying that my pap came back abnormal. I'm scheduled for a Colposcopy and Cervical Biopsy on the 13th of April. I'm really worried. I've...


Should I Go Back to My OBGYN?

E.J. asks from Springfield

I haven't been to the OBGYN since my 6 week postpartum checkup. They told me to make an appointment for a year from then, but life happened and i forgot. It's been al...

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Answer Highlights

  • abnormal pap smears in 2 answers "I have had 2 abnormal pap smears - due to low levels of estrogen."
  • should get a second opinion in 3 answers "I will also tell you that you should get a second opinion."
  • ta tas in 2 answers "Save The Ta-Ta's"? I did the 2 day 2 years ago and saw a team w/ that-will never forget ..."
  • had abnormal paps in 2 answers "Twice I had abnormal paps and twice I had the procedures and both times all was just ..."
  • precancerous cells in 3 answers "They said it was precancerous cells, and I had to come in every 3 months to check ..."