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Results 121-130 from 480 articles

Does Anyone Know of an Agency or Realtor That Can Help with "Rent to Own" Homes?

E.D. asks from Dallas

I am looking to rent to own a home really soon. Me and my kiddo live in an apartment and I'm ready for a house, around Lewisville TX area. I don't have great credit a...


Extended Warranty on Car

E.T. asks from Albuquerque

Hi all - I just purchased a new car and am wondering what you all think about extended warranties. I've never been a fan, but the dealer gave me a great sales pit...


Poll - Would You Be Willing to Buy a New House Before Your Old House Sold?

A.C. asks from Atlanta

Looking over my last couple of questions, you can probably tell where my interest presently lies. So, since it's been on my mind, I'd love to hear what you'd do! W...


Advice with Adult Child Taking Care of Parent

B.P. asks from Dallas

I would like to know what you would like or want from your mom if she needed your help, and you moved in with her to take care of her? The situation is my dh is in...


Eviction...Two Kids, Pregnant and Only Have 2 Days Until Evication Help!

J.M. asks from Phoenix

Okay Momma's out there. I had this question last month about avoiding eviction and trying to make some extra money. I was unable to find anyone to let me help with cl...


Pets and Allergies

L.C. asks from San Francisco

My 10 year old son has asked for a hamster over the past few years and I've told him we can't have one because of our allergies. My daughter and I are allergic to ca...


So Discouraged.....

E.G. asks from Atlanta

We have been working so hard - both my husband and I - to pay off debt that accumulated as a result of his being out of a job from the end of 2012 to October of 2013....


Should We Pay off a Card or Our Truck

K.S. asks from Norfolk

I am having a hard time deciding which to do and would like your opinions and ideas... Should we pay off dh's truck and use that money to pay down our credit cards? ...


Financial Help!

S.C. asks from Fort Wayne

I have a financial dilemma. My husband has some old credit card debt that we're trying to pay off. We're getting a decent sized tax return and we're trying to figure ...


Fertility questions/Insurance Coverage

H.M. asks from Los Angeles

My insurance doesn't cover infertility, even something as basic as blood work to test hormone levels. Does anyone know of a facility that is low cost for out-of-pock...

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