long day's journey into night

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How Concerned Should I Be About What My 6-y.o. Says When He Has Night Terrors?

T.T. asks from Washington DC

Even as a toddler, my son (now 6) has always been prone to night terrors when he's overtired. He's been in an all day camp this week, and he is exhausted by the end ...


Wake My 2 Week Old for Feedings in the Night?

K.M. asks from Chicago

Hello mommas! Merry Christmas! We had our little angel on December 12th an have had a lovely time getting to know her since we've been home. She is a a really...


7Yr Old Son Peeing at Night

M.L. asks from San Francisco

I have a 7 yr old son who still pees in his pants. I have gone to the pediatrician number of times, pediatrican did a urine test, we had done an ultrasound, we've tri...


How Much Milk Should My Year Old Be Drinking Throughout the Day?

S.C. asks from Lawton

My daughter just turned a year old, and her doctor has said she can switch to 4% milk. Emily has been eating a combination of stage 3 foods during the day, along with...


My 13Month Old Will Not Sleep Through the Night!

L.Y. asks from Los Angeles

Will my husband and I ever get a good night sleep? Ever? Again? Ha! Fat chance! Huh! We suppose not and while we are adjusting to the whole parenting ride (we are 1s...


Need Your Favorite Tips on How to Stay Young for Woman's Day

C.F. asks from Minneapolis

I'm working on a proposal for my editor at Woman's Day called: Live Life Like You're Getting Younger and I'm wondering if any of you have tips you'd like to share wit...


Tips on Helping 10 Month Old Sleep Through the Night

A.K. asks from Los Angeles

Hello, My ten month old still gets up about 2 times a night to drink milk and then falls back asleep. I've tried making sure he is really full at bedtime, and giving...


Long Car Trip with My 18 Month Old

S.T. asks from New York

Hi Moms, I heading from New England to the pan handle to spend a month in FL. The plan is to stop and visit family in NC for one night, so there are 2 days of traveli...


10 Month Old Won't Sleep in Her Crib for Long

S.S. asks from Atlanta

Please dont tell me to read "Happy Sleep Habits, Happy Baby" I have read it all and want to roast marshmellows over it when I burn it in my backyard. We have let my d...


Anyone Had Success in Night-time Potty Training?

G.G. asks from Minneapolis

My daughter is almost 4 1/2 and is still soaking a pull-up most nights. We have not tried limiting her evening fluid intake yet, but will be starting this week. I k...

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Answer Highlights

  • no cry sleep solution in 4 answers "I suggest Ferber and the no-cry sleep solution."
  • portable dvd player in 2 answers "We have one portable DVD player and I only used it for the four year old - one movie ..."
  • picking up on your stress in 2 answers "Possibly your baby is picking up on your stress levels from losing your job."
  • too shall pass in 2 answers "Hang in there this too shall pass."
  • healthy sleep habits in 3 answers "I read that is enough time in the Healthy Sleep Habits, Healthy Child book."