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Results 121-130 from 175 articles

Afford to Stay Home?

L.B. asks from Charlotte

I would LOVE to be a stay at home mom (I have a 21 month od daughter). But I'm fairly certain we cannot affort it. Do any SAHMs have any tips or ideas? Thanks!!


Rules for Facebook for Young Teen

L.W. asks from Austin

Alright, my teen has a facebook account and understands the ins and outs of it (unlike mom) Are there any rules that your household has for using this, or general co...


Sleep Advice

C.T. asks from Minneapolis

I have a 18month that is still not sleeping through the night and we are expecting another one very soon. I feel we've tried everything. A month ago we took his pacif...


Where Can I Finance Furniture with Bad Credit

T.K. asks from Dallas

I need a new bedroom set, but my student loans have demolished my credit. I don't want to rent to own. I just want to buy nice, good quality furniture and make paym...


Almost 6-Year-old Wants a Nintendo DS or a Wii

A.L. asks from Sacramento

My almost 6-year-old has been pleading for a Nintendo DS or the Wii, like all his cousins and some of his friends have. My mother-in-law really wants to get him one ...


How Far Apart? (JFF - Curious)

M.P. asks from Green Bay

How far apart (in age) are you and your siblings? Do you think your age difference affected your relationship with siblings? How far apart are your children? How ...


Do You Let Your Little Girl Wear a Two Piece Swimsuit?

M.. asks from Detroit

I am just curious. I have seen so many adorable two piece swimsuits for little girls, but just cannot bring myself to let her wear one. I just think little bellies...


What are popular summer activities with kids

K.L. asks from Atlanta

I'm sure some of you have some great ideas for summer activities that are fun and inexpensive. We do not have a pool and are on water restrictions so our outdoor acti...


SAHM In Distress

L.V. asks from Dallas

I feel so dumb talking about this, but here it goes... I am 23 and before I had my son, I was a full time student (graduated in May), worked 30 hours a week and was i...


Boys Birthday Party Ideas

L.C. asks from Chicago

My son is turning 6 very soon and Im not sure what to do for his party. Im a little annoyed at how much all the usual parties cost, like the jumping places or gym pl...

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