labor and delivery articles

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Results 61-70 from 143 articles

Pros and Cons of Being Induced.

J.B. asks from Nashville

My doc wants to induce me at 39 weeks (my second pregnancy.) I had raised glucose for one test (they did 3) but did not actually get the Gestational Diabetes diagnosi...


Things Change

E.M. asks from Pittsburgh

I am a mother of a 12 year old girl. I was 18 when she blessed me. When I delivered her the OB gave me a Episiotomy. I am currently having my 2nd child now. I am 30 a...


Almost-1-year-old Daughter Making Herself Throw Up

N.K. asks from Bloomington

I'm not sure what to do... My daughter has discovered this really neat new trick -- that she can stick her finger or thumb down her throat and vomit! It's gross... bu...


How Bad Is It Really??!!

K.G. asks from New York

Okay Ladies, first time Mom and all is well so far at 6 months along! Of course as we approach the big day I find it a little difficult to not think about (read: Obse...


VBAC Vs. 2Nd C-section

M.B. asks from Columbia

Hi ladies -- We had our first child two years ago and I had to have an emergency C-section. This time we (well, mostly me) can't decide whether to try for a VBAC or j...


Emotional Cesarean Section Recovery

C.H. asks from Jackson

What are some ways that you can recover from the emotional and mental aspect of having a cesarean section and not being allowed to give birth? Please do not say ...


Have You Had a Repeat C-section?

M.B. asks from St. Louis

Hi Ladies, I am trying to come up with a birth plan. I am considering having a repeat c-section. I want to know your experience on a repeat c-section, did sugery g...


Vaginal Birth After Caesarean (VBAC)

C.D. asks from Clarksville

I have a question concerning any women who have had vaginal births after a c-section. My first two kids were vaginal births without drugs. My second baby actually cam...


Avoiding Vaccinations at Birth and the Vitamin K Shot

M. asks from Phoenix

I was wonding what I need to do so that when I give birth at the hospital they do not vaccinate or give the vitamin K shot to my newborn. I have heard that I need to...


What Happened to the Coupons in the Sunday Paper?

G.M. asks from Phoenix

A while back we bought a Sunday paper and expected the Coupons in there as usual. Got home, and no coupons. This past Sunday my hubby went to the store; thinking the ...

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Answer Highlights

  • talk to your ob about your concerns in 2 answers "I am sure you will do just fine. Talk to your OB about your concerns, ask him/her ..."
  • one elevated blood sugar in 2 answers "... is a bit different from yours, however you have one elevated blood sugar ..."
  • didnt even feel the needle in 3 answers "... epidural I was still semi numb from the nubian and didn't even feel the needle ..."
  • like a bee sting in 4 answers "shot that stings like a bee sting for a few seconds and once that is over and they ..."
  • only needed one stitch in 2 answers "I did tear slightly and only needed one stitch above and two stitches below."