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Results 181-190 from 201 articles

Supporting an 11 Year Old Girl Who Is Almost Polar Opposite from Me

P.N. asks from Sacramento

My daughter is mostly interested in things I don't value and often dislike, such as buying trendy clothes, keeping up with current movie stars and models, having perf...


How Much Do Kid's Cost?

C.L. asks from Dallas

Hi! I'm newly married and my husband and I are wanting to plan and prepare (budget wise) to start a family. I'm a nanny so I'm well aware of all the 'stuff' kiddo's...


Is It Ok to Buy My Son Girl Toys?

C.Y. asks from Chicago

I have a son you will be 5 in March and a daughter who will be 3 in February. The issue is that my son likes to play with girl toys, watch princess movies, and pret...


What Do You Do to save Money?

C.V. asks from Columbia

We have a budget. We live within our means. We're not in debt (other than the mortgage). I'm just looking for ways we can save a few dollars here and there in orde...


Barbies and 3 and 4 Year Olds

J.V. asks from Chicago

My daughter will be 4 in March. She has never been all that interested in dolls, but for her bday I decided to get her some Fairy dolls (she is obsessed with flying a...


Stay at Home Moms...

T.S. asks from Nashville

For those stay at home moms on a limited income, how do you do it? My husband and I both work full time. He is a truck driver and is only home a few days every 3-5 ...


3-Year Old Bedroom Disaster Area

C.M. asks from Chico

My 3-year old DD's bedroom is a disaster area!! She has a shelf unit for books and in the bottom is two pink see through totes, two baskets and a toy box. It does n...


Nutrition for My 2Yr Old

K.M. asks from Seattle

hello all. i am looking for advise on healthy super-nutritious meals for myself and my two year old. i am trying to avoid gluten as much as possible, msg, high-fructo...


How Do I Chose Between Two kids....very Worn Down

M.M. asks from Chicago

In a nut shell: I have 2 boys 13 and 4y/o. My 13 y/o has been difficult since day 1, never played alone, and always needed to be encouraged, always bucked when the go...


Inexpensive 2 Yr Old Birthday Party Ideas WANTED

E.C. asks from Los Angeles

My daughter will turn 2 in April and I am looking for inexpensive party ideas. At this age you also have to entertain not only the kids, but the adults and it starts...

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