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Results 171-180 from 201 articles

Financial Issues

B.A. asks from Philadelphia

I don't know where to begin. This may be more to vent then to receive advice, but I've been very depressed lately I need to get it out. I am hoping that someone who...


Do Other Women Feel This Way?

M.M. asks from Los Angeles

A woman at work said something to me that has been bothering me quite a bit. Here’s the story…I don’t wear any makeup. When I was younger (I’m now 40) ...


Do You Think It Is Wrong to Dye Children's Hair?

A.G. asks from Houston

A question earlier got me wondering, a few of the comments make me very curious as to others opinions. I was raised with a strict no dye policy, at age 12 i started d...


This May Sound Odd....

T.H. asks from Corvallis

I've always been on the small side and am currently back in the 00 range for jeans. The only place I seem to be able to find anything that fits halfway decent is in t...


Need a Part-time or Homebased Profession!

M.M. asks from Chicago

I am so tired of being away from my son!!! He is 7 months old and I MISS him during the day. Financially, we can handle the decrease in income, but since my partner w...


Wedding Curiosity

J.B. asks from Eugene

(sorry if this question is a repeat, I had trouble posting the first time and hope it's not showing up more than once!) So, I've been watching "Say Yes to the Dres...


I Am a Sexist!

J.T. asks from Victoria

I did not realize how out of the norm I had fallen with my being a sexist until i saw a fb post on a childrens book from the 1970's. The "out of date" book posted im...


How Much Did You Spend on Your Wedding?

J.H. asks from San Francisco

Hi Mamas, We are in the midst of wedding planning and I'm trying to get comfortable with the budget. I originally wanted to keep it below $10K but we decided to h...


Play Kitchen for Boys? and Pacifier Use?

A.S. asks from Reading

we just bough our 19month old a $100.00 play kitchen set. i think he will love it! but some people think there just for girls. was this a ok move?? and he always too...


Money Issues

T.F. asks from Los Angeles

Hello Mammas, Just wondering how all you SAHM's handle not really "having" your own money. I am having a hard time accepting the fact that I always have to ask my ...

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