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Results 101-110 from 201 articles

Spider Vein Help!

T.G. asks from Milwaukee

I am currently pregnant with my fourth, and this one is wreaking havoc on my body! I have some nasty spider veins on my right leg. GROSS! I was at a waterpark over th...


Looking for "Hot Toy" Ideas for Christmas

H.B. asks from Milwaukee

Does anyone have any suggestions for toys for a 5 year old boy and almost 2 year old boy and girl. I am getting a head start on my kids Christmas list and I wanted t...


How Can I Have Some Income While Being at Home with My Twin Babies?

I.S. asks from McAllen

Does anyone know of any jobs or duties while staying at home ?


What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up? How to Search for a Career Position?

S.L. asks from St. Louis

So I am definitely 'grown up,' and so is my husband and we both have decent paying jobs in our designated educated fields, however neither of us is happy. We both hav...


Esaid No One Ever

L.M. asks from Cleveland

"I wish my husband would buy me clothes for Christmas" Would you want that? just out of the blue on his own because he enjoys giving gifts sil ...


Anyone Work at Home?

T.R. asks from Syracuse

I am considering looking for part time work from home. I used to do legal transcription from home when my son was a baby (6 now). I have been staying at home with m...


Soccer - 4 Year Old to Give up or Keep Trying?

T.H. asks from New York

I enrolled my son in an 8 week soccer program, he is 4 - the median of the age range 3 1/2 to 4 1/2 of children whom participate. First session, he was on the indoor...


Highlights- How Young Is Too Young?

J.O. asks from San Diego

I have a soon to be 10 year old (in 5 days) daughter who is fairly fashion-concious but in an age appropriate way. Mostly she takes her fashion clues from me (I know ...


Fundraising Suggestions

S.D. asks from Topeka

I have joined my sons PTA @ his school this is my 1st child going to school so everything is new to me I'am needing different information on fundrasing for our school...


Should I Try Another Pregnancy After HELLP Syndrome?

K.P. asks from Minneapolis

I am a mom to a beautiful 15 month old daughter, but during my first pregnancy, I developed HELLP syndrome and had to deliver at 25 weeks gestation by emergency c-sec...

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Answer Highlights

  • when my husband buys me clothes in 3 answers "I love it when my husband buys me clothes!"
  • did not have hellp syndrome in 2 answers "I did not have HELLP syndrome but I delivered my first child at 33 weeks."
  • 50 percent profit in 2 answers "... have an awesome fundraising program where the kids make approximately 50% profit ..."
  • vericose veins in 2 answers "i learned that she also had prevously had surgery for vericose veins."
  • victorias secret in 2 answers "I get new Victoria's Secret pj's from hubby every Christmas along with a generous ..."