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Results 21-30 from 303 articles

Positive and Encouraging Advise Only Please!

C.V. asks from Kansas City

I had my tubes tied during a c-section almost 5 years ago.About 3 years ago I decided I definately wanted one more.My Husband isn't opposed to having another one but ...


Seeking New Ways to Manage World Issues and Fears as a New Parent

S.S. asks from Portland

Does anyone else out there struggle with the tragedies of this world now that they are parents? I am a first time mom to my 3 month old boy. And ever since becoming...


Kindergarten Style Opinions

A.J. asks from Williamsport

Ok, I'm putting question back since I'm getting great answers. Recap, we are trying to homeschool my oldest for kindergarten with international friend's kids' curr...


Whether or Not to Pull My Kindergartener Out and Homeschool Him...

A.G. asks from Provo

My Kindergartener has been struggling with anxiety and being rough at school. It seems to go up and down...we've tried all kinds of things - currently waiting to hea...


Seeking Mommy & Me Group

A.C. asks from Los Angeles

Does anybody know of any good Mommy & Me groups in the Monrovia or nearby area? I am a work at home mom with a 2 1/2 month old son. I would like to get him out of t...



K.B. asks from Dallas

I have not worked for a paying job almost 6 years. This past year I have subbed a few times at my daughter's preschool. Now our pediatrician has asked if I could com...


Tips on How to Encourage Teenage Sons to Study Seriously

B.R. asks from Miami

My eldest son tends to give more priority and time to extra-curricular activities in school and this affects his grades in college, though he is still able to maintai...


I'm on the Hunt for Me =)

O.L. asks from Los Angeles

My husband and I were talking earlier today about how I've been feeling unfulfilled lately, like I need something more in my life (not talking about family or my marr...


Missing Being Pregnant

V.S. asks from Lima

I have a 2 year old daughter and a 1 1/2 week old daughter. After I had my first, I was so happy and filled with joy. I spent a lot of time with her just enjoying h...


Looking for Local Networking Events

L.M. asks from Dallas

Does anyone know how to find local networking events and groups? I have a small business I am looking to market. Thanks

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Answer Highlights

  • post partum depression in 3 answers "I would venture to say that you have post partum depression, and while i HATED hearing ..."
  • life long learners in 2 answers "Do you want kids to be life-long learners?"
  • primal attachment in 2 answers "... you may ADORE your husband, you never knew this sense of PRIMAL attachment."
  • human beings in 3 answers "... a future, it will be deeply rooted in the tenderness and concern of human beings ..."
  • local community college in 2 answers "... from other accredited universities but also from the local community college."