Does anyone have experience with having a tubal ligation with a C-section? I am currently pregnant with my third child and it will be my third C-section and I am cons...
Please help! I am 13 1/2 weeks pregnant. Instead of feeling better as I go along, I'm feeling worse. I'm trying everything: small meals throughout the day, I wear sea...
Okay, I just had my 1st prenatal visit with my ob/gyn - i'm 8 weeks pregnant with my 2nd child. This pregnancy i am very nauseaed and feel like vomitting all the tim...
Hi all, this is my first posting tho I have been a member for a while. I am currently 20 weeks pregnant and at my last Dr appointment (last Thursday)I was told I am ...
Hey all. I'm always giving advice, now I need a little. I took a home preg. test about a month ago and guess what??? Positive! Well, now I am a tired, queezy(sp?) ...
I am in my seventh week of pregnancy and have just been hit with a bit of morning sickness....only it lasts all day. I can deal with it while I'm at home, but I work...
Many of you have responded regarding the frequent absences going on with my son's kindergarten teacher. I appreciate all of the advice, and I have tried to re-evauat...
I am 6 wks along and have the bug! It's lasting all day, some days vomiting others not. It doesn't go away. Any pointers on how to get relief? I can't see the doctor ...
Ladies I really need your help. We are pregnant with out second child and just starting week 6. With my son I didn't have any symptoms but I already feel awful. I k...