how to make money the

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L.S. asks from Dallas

I am having a really hard time paying for my sitter and rent. Its like having 2 house payments with 2 kids.... I just had my 2cd almost 3 months ago and me and my hus...


How to Make Money When You Can't Have At-home Parties.

T.K. asks from Chicago

I am now an at home mom after making more money than my husband for the past few years and am seeking a way to still contribute without being able to go to people's h...


Looking for Ways to Make Extra Money

N.H. asks from Chicago

Hi Moms, Things are tight right now. I already work outside of the home but need to find a way to bring in some extra money. I am not looking for a business but so...


No Money, No Time, How Do You Make Quality Time with Your Spouse?

J.M. asks from Denver

My husband commented the other night that we never do anything "fun", not sure exactly what he means by that but I assume he thinks that familys spend every night of ...


Mom Seeking Something to Make Money at Home

D.J. asks from Indianapolis

I am really in need of something to do at home, Be with my sweet angel who is 2 years old. We are really limited on funds. SO it would have to be w/o start up fees. M...


Need to Make money...don't We All:)

A.F. asks from Dallas

Do any of you watch children in your home, do some type of computer work at home, stuff envelopes:), etc?? I am always so tempted to sign up for those types of envelo...


Any Ideas on How to Make Some Extra Money While at Home?

N.O. asks from Dallas

Hello, I am looking to make about $40-$50 a week to help pay for my daughter to attend Kindergarten at a Christian Church next year. The School is just wonderful an...


My Twelve Year Old Is Seeking a Way to Make Money Easily( Without Stealing).

J.L. asks from Sioux Falls

My twelve year old needs money and we doent have much either so she has decided to make some. We have a few complications here though: -We live in a ghetto ne...


Do You Wear Make Up?

K.B. asks from Chicago

I am a mom who wears make up. I would say, I wear some sort of make up everyday, mostly going to work. My make up routine is simple and can be completed in 6-7 minute...


What to Make for a Party?

K.W. asks from Minneapolis

My daughter will be turning 2 in a few weeks, and I have NO idea what to make for her party. There will be around 25 people. only 4 of them kids. I have 1 vegatarian ...

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Answer Highlights

  • were hit by a revlon truck in 2 answers "... in Texas, it looked like ALL the native women there were hit by a Revlon truck ..."
  • tinted lip balm in 2 answers "My daily routine consists of mineral powder, a little blush, tinted lip balm, and ..."
  • never got into the habit in 2 answers "I didn't get started with it when I was young, so I never got into the habit."
  • lip gloss in 8 answers "I usually also put on some eye shadow and lip gloss."
  • crock pot in 8 answers "We had the taco meat in a crock-pot so people could eat all afternoon."