how to make money the

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Who Does the Money in Your House?

J.B. asks from Houston

So, since we have been married for almost seven yrs. now, my husband has managed the money. He would always come to me with any purchase that we needed or he wanted ...


Inheritance Money

J.R. asks from Knoxville

My grandma passed away this past year and we ended up getting an unexpected check from her estate. My girls each got $500 and I got $5000. I am tryng to decide what...


Gas Money

A.E. asks from New York

My sister and I are close, but she is really cheap. She has a car, but we always take mine to run errands. The problem is, she NEVER offers gas money. I normally wou...


Asking for Money

A.B. asks from San Francisco

Ok, so I need your thoughts on this one. We were invited to an acquaintance's daughter's birthday party. On the invitation, she asked that money be given instead of g...


Money & Government......

K.B. asks from Savannah

This might be kind of complicated, so I'm going to try to keep the sentences as short and sweet as possible. Okay: My family owned several acres of land, which wa...


Running Out of Money

L.L. asks from Charleston

We just decided to purchase a house. I didn't know it would be so expensive or stressful. I never stressed out so much in my life. Our mortage lender gets giving u...


Missing Money

S.E. asks from New York

Last night i had to go to the atm for my dad (my moms still resting from her surgery and my dad doesnt know how to use the atm machine lol) .. so i take my moms debit...


Investing Money

T.C. asks from Minneapolis

if you were to invest like a hundred bucks or so in something what would you invest in? i know nothing about investing but my husband has this idea that we should try...


Saving Money

E.H. asks from Dallas

What are some ways to save money on elecric and water? I know the basics....not leaving water running and unplugging things when not in use. But what are other ways t...


Fighting About Money

N.G. asks from Dallas

Our budget is extremely tight. There is NO room for wiggle. I make great money but my husband is going to school full time and only working part time, and we are pa...

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