My daughter is just a little over 3 years old. She brushes her teeth pretty regularly, however we are still using the baby toothpaste. She always brushes her teeth ...
So, our 20 month old daughter loves brushing her own teeth (or sucking the training toothpaste off of her toothbrush!) The problem is, if we try to help her brush he...
Help! We just transitioned my 2 1/2 year old son into a toddler bed yesterday. His nap was the first experience with it. Needless to say, he took this new found freed...
I am beside myself and dont even know where to begin...though I will say first off that sleep (or going to sleep) has never been my daughter's strong point. Still, I...
We have just moved our daughter from a crib to a toddler bed, and she is not wanting to sleep in her toddler bed at all. She crys and fights sleep, as a matter of fac...
My son is 23 months old and this week I noticed his breath is stinky. Recently, at daycare he has started to drink juice. I have asked the daycare not to give him jui...
Hi moms,
My little boy is 22 months, and little by little he has begun to hate toothbrushing time. At first it was novel and fun, but now it ranges from tedious ...
We go through the same fight every night and our 3 year old won't go to bed. I have stopped getting upset and angry and now I just laugh. But it is getting pretty exh...
My toddler daughter (17 months) has her upper/lower back molars coming in and I'm wondering if it's time to start taking her to a pediatric dentist? When is a good t...
My 20 months old Toddler fell off and landed on a toy, one of her front tooth is 65% chipped off. there is no sharp edge but you can see the pulp inside. I don't thin...