Any advice? 17 year old daughter went to ER last night with abdominal pain. She had been in pain on and off for almost 2 days but it all came to a head last night ver...
**** Thanks very much for your replies so far.... I was aware of the 24 hour policy, but since it is a low grade fever (99 by the time I went to school to pick her up...
I took my 18 month old son to the pediatrician yesterday because all day Saturday, Sunday, and Monday he was suffering with high fevers (anywhere from 101-104.7), rea...
Hi Mom's I need your help! I am a first time single mom to a 24 month old little girl. Last night she woke up with a high fever. I gave her motrin and this morning to...
Hi moms! I'm a little concerned about my daughter's health. She just turned 3 this month and in the last 2-3 months she's had 2 instances of high fevers ranging 102...
My son was diagnosed with strep throat on Friday. He never complained of a sore throat, but has complained of headaches for about a month. He had a 101 fever on Fri...
Let me give you a background over the past week.
Monday of last week my daugter presented with red hives/bumps all over her torso. We were unsure of the cause...s...
My 11 month has had a temperature of 99.9°F to 101.0°F since Monday at around 5 p.m. He has no other symptoms (no diarrhea, vomiting, etc.) We have tried the corr...
Friday night as I was getting my DS ready for bed, I noticed he felt warm. He had been super cranky, but he had gotten better before his bath. When I took his temp,...
I just dont know what to do, I feel like I'm doing something wrong. I have taken him to the doctor several times and they say that they are just normal colds. There...