healthy foods

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Results 81-90 from 18,375 articles

Extreme Couponing for Healthy Products

M.B. asks from Dallas

Hi moms! Have any of you mastered the art of extreme couponing but with the healthy foods, cleaning products, household items etc...? I love the show Extreme Couponi...


Looking for Healthy Foods to Gain Proper Intake to Breastfeed Baby

M.B. asks from Denver

Currently, I am pregnant with my second baby. He is due via Csection in 2 weeks. I was wondering if anyone out there had ideas about diet and breast feeding. I bre...


Foods for a Certain Age

C.T. asks from Lansing

My daughter will be 1 on Oct.17th, I would like some ideas on what table foods would be safe & healthy for her?. Baby food is not satisfying her.


Seeking Advice on Cooking Healthy

K.C. asks from Colorado Springs

I want to know if any moms out there can recommend a healthy cookbook or recipes?


How to Transition to Solid Foods

J.W. asks from Detroit

My son is a healthy eater who still nurses four times a day. He eats pureed foods three times a day, and there aren't many foods he won't eat. I'm wondering how to ma...


Is There Such a Thing as Healthy Hot Dogs?

K.M. asks from San Diego

We're going on a family vacation with all of our cousins who are not at all conscious re: healthy eating. I have two questions 1) Are there really any healthy hot d...


When to Begin Table Foods

S.T. asks from Kansas City

My son is almost 9-months-old and I'm not sure when the best age to introduce table foods is and what foods to start with. He doesn't seem to even like the texture of...


Is Organic Soymilk Healthy?

M.G. asks from Dallas

Hi moms, I'm sure you all know the controversy about soymilk - how it's not healthy - how there is good and bad soy. What about organic soymilk? Is it healthy, a...


Healthy Breakfasts Before School

A.S. asks from Chicago

Hello Moms - I am looking for healthy ideas for breakfasts. Also something that keeps you full for awhile. I have a child in middle school so school starts early an...


What "Healthy" Snacks/food Do You Give Your Kids?

T.O. asks from Chicago

I tend to give my 2 boys a lot of packaged snacks (teddy grahams, cereal bars, pudding, etc.) and foods (Mac & Cheese and instant oatmeal.) After reading some posts ...

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Answer Highlights

  • jerry seinfelds wife in 2 answers "In addition to healthy snacks check out the cookbook by Jerry Seinfeld's wife."
  • whole wheat pita in 2 answers "... it as a warm spread on whole grain bread or have them dip mini-whole wheat pita ..."
  • hebrew national brand in 2 answers "We eat the Hebrew National brand they are really the best hot dogs I have had in a ..."
  • all natural hot dogs in 2 answers "We buy the Coleman all natural hot dogs."
  • no large chunks in 2 answers "At 1 year, she should be eating what you are eating, just no large chunks."