health insurance is a right

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Aetna or United Health Care?

D.W. asks from Phoenix

Hello! My company is dropping my current health insurance company so we will have to pick one of the two choices now available: Aetna or United Health Care. My pay...


Help with Health Care

M.C. asks from Kansas City

We just just recently lost our great medical insurance and i had to get on Mo Health Net( Childrens mercy)( and health care USA)and(blue advantage plus)are my choices...


Do Your Children Have Life Insurance?

S.H. asks from Green Bay

We have seen so many of those Gerber Insurance Policies, and also have several friends who have policies on their children. Do your kids have Life Insurance Policies?


Local County Health Clinic

F.B. asks from New York

Mamas & Papas- Gramma G just suggested that someone go to the local county health clinic because they sometimes offer free pregnancy tests. Her answer got me think...


7Mths Pregnant and No Helath Insurance

E.S. asks from New York

I recently became pregnant with my second child. I am 22 and thought that my father's helath insurance would cover me until the age of 23. They sent me a letter on my...


First Baby No Insurance

J.H. asks from Oklahoma City

My sister just found out she is pregnant. She does not have medical insurance. I heard there was an insurance for pregnant women through the state. Does anyone know a...


Life Insurance for My Grand Baby

L.C. asks from New York

Can i start a insurance policy for my grand baby


HSP Health Savings Plan

M.W. asks from Los Angeles

Has anyone any experience with one of the Health savings plan or medical savings plan insurances with Blue corss/Blue shields or other? I am 49, will not have any oth...


Seeking Affordable Health Ins.

L.A. asks from Detroit

Hello husband just lost his job, and we lose our health ins. on June 30th. I am desperate to find affordable health ins. for him and I until he finds a job...


Might by Preg and Have No Insurance

J.T. asks from Pensacola

Hi everyone! I was just wondering if anyone on here has used or known of anyone that has used It is supose to be a maternity insurance for woman t...

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