health insurance is a right

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Results 151-160 from 8,127 articles

I Am Pregnant and I Have No Health Insurance

N.A. asks from Dallas

I can not ask for any help the government for my permanent resident status if I do that it would affect my sponsor, just have 4 weeks pregnant and I'm worried about f...


Do They Have a Right to Do This?

L.R. asks from Minneapolis

Hello again! I don't know what I would do without you here goes again! Back on the morning of the 12th of March I woke up to water pouring from my bathro...


HELP!! Quit Job to Be Home and Give up PPO Health Insurance for Kaiser??????

K.K. asks from Los Angeles

I really need advice. I have an incredibly intense job - which I have worked extremely hard to achieve. I have a 9 month old amazing baby, who I stayed home with fo...


Low Income Health Dr

G.A. asks from Lakeland

My husband loosing his job has cost us no health insurance, anybody no of a place other than er to take kids to if they get sick?


Insurance for Smaller Companies

S.R. asks from Lincoln

I thought i read somewhere that by the end of this year companies that had over 50+ employees had no choice but to offer their employees health insurance?? My DH wor...


Life Insurance for Your Kids?

S.A. asks from Washington DC

So what is your opinion on life insurance for your kids? Should you have it or not?


Bad Health Insurance Coverage/need Advice on Hefty Bills

D.T. asks from Chicago

Hello, my mom was recently widowed and laid off. She now has insurance on her own and it's pretty terrible. They don't cover much, it's mostly out of pocket (OOP). ...


I Need Cheap Insurance

K.D. asks from St. Louis

i really need to find a cheap health insurance place i have some medical issues and i cant just take them to the emergency room so i need some advice on insurance


Pregnant with No Insurance Please Help

B.L. asks from Kansas City

I am pregnant (total surprise) I have no health insurance. I applied for medicaid online and got denied. I don't know what to do. Have tried other insurance compan...


Looking for Insurance That Covers Maternity

J.L. asks from Denver

Hello, Since going back to work part time after having my second daughter I was forced to give up the health insurance my work offered. I currently have independant ...

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