health insurance is a right

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Results 111-120 from 8,127 articles

Life Insurance

S.J. asks from Tampa

hi everybody i had a post about this topic with no answers. so i'm gonna ask it again. i need information about life insurance. i'm affraid that if God forbide som...


Life Insurance???

S.R. asks from Chicago

Im now looking to get life insurance. I know little of this can someone recommend a reputable company and share your experience with your agents?


Life Insurance

L.M. asks from Barnstable

Can anyone recommend who they use or life insurance? It is on my list of things to do this week and was looking some feedback. Do you term or whole? Thanks for you...


Pet Insurance

F.M. asks from Chicago

Hello Ladies: I will be getting a dog that I adopted on Friday. I have not had a dog in many years and noticed there are a ton of different types of pet insurance....


Health Insurance with Prescription Benefits for the Self Employed

R.S. asks from Dallas

I am looking for medical insurance plans with prescription coverage for the self employed. Does any one have any information or suggestions?


State Insurance or Private Insurance???

C.D. asks from Dallas

I want opinions on what I should do. We currently have private insurance through my husbands job. We have the policy on the whole family. (me, hubby, son 1 and son 2...


Health of Our Children

S.T. asks from Kansas City

I know this may be a sensitive topic, and some may get their feathers riled, but I am curious plus just plain dont understand something. Why do so many parents re...


Insurance for the Uninsured

D.C. asks from Philadelphia

In October my mother was diagnosed with lung cancer (stage 4). It traveled to her brain, which she has two tumors. She completed radiation and will begin chemo the en...


Insurance Question

M.S. asks from Chicago

Hi. My husband is losing his job, and so far hasn't had luck finding another one (he is in the mortgage industry) My question is - has anyone had any luck finding a...


No Insurance for Pregnancy

S.D. asks from Indianapolis

Hi all :) My insurance won't cover my surprise pregnancy so I am looking in to options. Has anyone used the Maternity Card or a program like it? Any other suggesti...

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Answer Highlights

  • blue cross blue shield in 2 answers "As an agent myself, I personally recommend Blue Cross Blue Shield."
  • mega life and health insurance in 2 answers "for the Self Employed/ Mega Life and Health Insurance ###-###-#### Office ..."
  • talking about a serious medical in 2 answers "If your talking about a serious medical issue though and not just a cold then I can ..."
  • greg hammons in 3 answers "His name is Greg Hammons and his email is and phone is ..."
  • pre existing conditions in 2 answers "... had to look into the state plan as my husband and I have pre existing conditions ..."