hand held games

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Results 131-140 from 1,775 articles

When Did You Allow Your Child Computer Access?

M.W. asks from Seattle

Hi there, My daughter (just turned 3) received a video game (Wall-E) from a well-meaning relative who is very "plugged in". She's played a few games on my phone b...


What Kind of Birthday Gift Would You Give?

A.W. asks from Washington DC

Hi Mamas! We were invited to a birthday party that is being held for our friend's two daughters. One is going to be 7 and the other 2. Can anyone help with what ty...


Non Stop Crying, Needy, Nervous, Can't Sleep on Own, Etc at 12 M

J.R. asks from New York

I babysit a child who will be 12 months tomorrow. He cries at all times if not held. He loves me and parents so doesn't cry as long as we are present. If we walk out ...


Teacher Wedding Shower Ideas Needed

F.W. asks from Detroit

My son's 3rd grade teacher is getting married next month, and it is up to me to coordinate a shower for her, to be held in the classroom during class time. I will ha...


Thoughs on PSP for a 5 Years Old.

M.P. asks from Houston

I would like your thoughs about PSP. My son is 5 years old, he already plays with Leapster2 and Leapster Explorer, which he loves. He does not play with them ALL the...


My Son Has ADD and ADHD Help

T.S. asks from Springfield

My 6 year old son has ADD and ADHD. I was wanting some advice on how to deal with it. He is drivingme up the wall and plus he is not doing good in school. It is so ba...


Upcoming Baby Shower

L.A. asks from Birmingham

I will be hosting a baby shower in a few months and haven't given or been to one in a long while. I would greatly appreciate some suggestions or ideas from ones that ...


Video Game Comparisons

K.M. asks from Tulsa

I promised my 11-yo that if he finished all of his Awana books this year I would buy him a video game. He did it and now I'm going to have to follow through and I do...


9 Year Old Struggling with Multiplication

C.F. asks from Houston

Anybody out there know of some good techniques to strengthen my 9 year old's multiplication? She's learning them but seems to struggle with the times table, especiall...


Party Game Ideas

S.V. asks from Portland

I am planning a birthday party for my soon to be 1 year old daughter and niece. I am also planning a baby shower as well. I was hoping to get some ideas about fun gam...

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Answer Highlights

  • short term memory in 2 answers "Children with ADD/ADHD have short term memory problems and they had trouble writing ..."
  • greg tang in 2 answers "You should check out the website of Greg Tang."
  • little safety pins in 2 answers "another baby shower take a bunch on the little safety pins in a bowl of rice and ..."
  • nintendo ds in 4 answers "I would look into selling it and getting a Nintendo DS instead."
  • playing computer games in 2 answers "... has always been interested in them, so we let him start playing computer games ..."