
Related Questions & Answers

Results 101-110 from 234 articles

Reasonable Expectations for a Six-year-old

A.L. asks from Austin

Hello, ladies! It seems sometimes that my oldest child (she is six) gets the brunt of my parenting mistakes. She's the "test" child, I guess. I recently discove...


That's Enough

A.F. asks from Dallas

Enough already! I appreciate everyone's advice that has responded, but this post is LONG since old, and the issue has been LONG since been resolved, so please quit r...


Shoes and books...aaaggghhh

R. asks from San Antonio

Since returning to school, keeping up with house work has become more and more overwhelming. I am having a particularly hard time with shoes, laundry and books. These...


Laundry Nightmare

S.S. asks from San Francisco

Hello Mamas, I hope some of you will agree with me that folding the laundry is a never ending nightmare :) I am ok with putting the clothes in the washer and then tr...


How Do Get Through to Him or Just Let It Go?

C.M. asks from Rochester

Just to start, I want to say that I have a very loving husband. He's a very nice man and he works hard to support us so I can stay home with our son. With that sai...


If You Say Your House Is a Wreck...

M.R. asks from Rochester

...what do you really mean? I've been in "messy" homes where the stack of magazines on the coffee table was off-center or there were dirty dishes rinsed and sittin...


Laundry Overtaking Life

M.G. asks from Chicago

Looking for ideas on how to handle laundry. Doing a load a day isn't really working b/c I am constantly doing laundry. I can throw the clothes in, plus dry them eas...


Organic Cleaning Products

A.B. asks from Spartanburg

Hey ladies! I have been looking for environmentally friendly "organic" household cleaners. Just wondering if any of you have suggestions of what works well. I have t...


Am I the Only One with a Hang-up About My Underwear?

L.B. asks from New York

Okay, I know this is a silly question... I was complaining to my mom that my MIL goes in the hamper and does all the laundry, even though my husband has told her tha...


Anyone Tried Natural Family Planning?

L.M. asks from Portland

Hi ladies! I'm currently pregnant and deciding what kind of birth control to use after baby is born. I've been on the pill and didn't like it much. I also had the M...

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