grow grass

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How Do We save Money on Lawn Mowing? and More.

L.B. asks from New York

This question is about lawn mowing, but its also about more. If you have tried to "green" your yard, I would love to hear about it. We just moved from city to sub...


Trimmed or Bushy?

F.H. asks from Phoenix

This isn't what you think...I'm talking about my yard! LOL! I live in a suburb of Phoenix. All of our community streets and shopping areas are kept up ...


Gardening Mamas- Got a Landscape Question!

J.K. asks from Mansfield

I have an oval flowerbed basically in the middle of the yard. I love it but have a hard time mowing close enough to keep grass out without damaging the plants. So I t...


Getting Rid of Mosquitoes!

S.H. asks from Huntsville

Our backyard has a lot of mosquitoes. No matter what time of day you go out there :( We don't have anything back there that is keeping standing water (that I know ...


Need Opinion on Immunotherapy for a Child

H.S. asks from Washington DC

My daughter is 6. She has strong allergies to tree pollen and grass. Her pediatric allergist is recommending immunotherapy shots instead of the daily oral medicatio...


Raw Milk

T.U. asks from Dallas

hello, i have recently been introduced to raw milk. A lady that i know from my job buys it for her mother. She told me their a co-op that lets you buy part of the cow...


How Would You Answer This Question from a 4Yr Old About Dying

P.O. asks from Jacksonville

"Mommy, are you going to get dead too"? Is grandpa still dead? Can I go see grandpa in the grass? Keep in mind I don't want to scar his mind about me dying and I d...


Should I Approach Landlord or Leave It Alone

K.H. asks from San Francisco

6 weeks ago we moved into a rental house and a Gardner was included in the rent. Our landlord has the same Gardner for her house. He hasn't been here since we moved i...


Peanut Butter

T.B. asks from New York

Hello what age did you feed your toddler peanut butter? My husband and I do not have a peanut allergy or other food allergies but we are both allergic to ...


Starting a Garden - Any Advice?

❤.M. asks from Los Angeles

Okay you gardening gurus, I am wanting to start a garden? Any advice from you experienced gardeners? What to plant? Some basics? What's easy to grow? What's inc...

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