granite tile countertops

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Results 71-80 from 81 articles

Home Renovations - What's Better for Resale Value?

J.B. asks from Madison

My husband and I are currently doing some renovations in our home with the hopes to sell it soon. Yesterday he mentioned wanting to bring the laundry room up to the m...


Seeking Recommendations for Non-toxic Cleaners for Wood Floors & Stone Counters

K.A. asks from Los Angeles

Hi all: I'm preparing our home for the arrival of our baby girl and am seeking recommendations on non-toxic cleaners for wood floors and stone kitchen counters. S...


Does Anyone Know About Direct Buy

A.C. asks from New York

I have seen commercials for Direct Buy and there is one close, but I did know what they charge for membership or how good their prices/services really are. Does anyon...


Dirty Shower

T.G. asks from El Paso

Hi Moms~ I have a fiberglass shower I REALLY hard water and the two just don't mix. I can not keep my shower clean. In just a couple of days I have the gross cal...


Favorite "Green" Cleaners/househole products...ex:Melaleuca, Shaklee, Others

B.R. asks from Dallas

What are your favorite "green" products. Does anyone have experience with Melaleuca or Shaklee, or any others you would recommend or advise against. We're trying to b...


Building a Home

B.W. asks from Salt Lake City

My husband and I are going to be building our home within the next few months. Feeling a little overwhelmed with all of the choices and decisions we have to make and ...


How Unpleasant Will Living in the House During Kitchen Renovation Be?

J.M. asks from Boston

We are doing a gut renovation of the kitchen. A few people have told me I should stay in a hotel for a few nights. This is not really in the budget but if it will be ...


Is It Worth It

J.C. asks from Chicago

It seems that it is easier and easier to find cleaning supplies, etc that are better for the environment and your health in your local grocery store. My question is,...


Real Estate

S.A. asks from Dallas

Hello you very smart Moms I have a question. We are wanting to move in about 18 to 24 months, so we are looking to update our house so I have some questions on what i...


What Cleaners to Buy?

T.S. asks from Los Angeles

I was told that all of my cleaning products were toxic &I needed to purchase Non-Toxic cleaners for my home, as I am 5 months pregnant. Does anyone know exactly what ...

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