grain cereal

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Results 31-40 from 2,394 articles

Possible Allergy to Rice Cereal

H.W. asks from Minneapolis

I recently started my 6 month old on rice cereal (his first solid food) and on the second day he had a mild rash that covered his arms, legs and back. My pediatricia...


Looking for a Baker/Bakery Who Bakes Grain Free Cakes!

L.C. asks from Dallas

Hi Moms! This may be a shot in the dark, but I would really like to find a baker/bakery who bakes grain free cakes (using almond flour or coconut flour) and who al...


Wont Eat Cereal

L.R. asks from Chicago

I have a almost 6 month old daughter she will eat gerber but doesnt seem to like cereal. how can i get her to like it.


Infant Vomiting Once Only After Rice Cereal

M.T. asks from Chicago

Hello everyone, My kids is almost 7 months old and we started rice cereal since he was 4 mos old. He had a stomach flu a month ago when he started day care and s...


Could Baby Be Allergeric to Barley Cereal???

A.R. asks from Boston

Just wondering if anyone's baby was allergic to Barley Cereal? My 6 month old baby has been having frequent bowel movements (different consistency than usual and see...


When Should I Give Baby Cereal

K.C. asks from Dallas

I would like to know when I should try giving rice/oatmeal cereal and also at what time should I start feeding first baby foods


What Brand of Rice Cereal Should I Get?

Y.F. asks from New York

Gearing up to start feeding solids to my 4 month old...what brand of cereal is the best! Experienced moms out there, would love your opinions!


Starting Cereal and Continuing to Breastfeed

E.M. asks from Boston

Hello moms, My pediatrician wants me to start feeding my 4.5 month old son cereal and because they think he has a milk protein allergy. They want me to start him o...


Starting Cereal and Continuing to Breastfeed

E.M. asks from Boston

Hello moms, My pediatrician wants me to start feeding my 4.5 month old son cereal and because they think he has a milk protein allergy. They want me to start him o...


Rice Cereal Too Early?

L. asks from Dallas

What are the real dangers of adding a small amount of single grain rice cereal to a 6wk old infant's bottle (about a teaspoon)? I've been contemplating doing this ...

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Answer Highlights

  • barley contains gluten in 2 answers "In fact barley contains gluten, which is a protein that a lot of people are allergic ..."
  • there is no allergic reaction in 2 answers "... a few days on a new food so that you make sure there is no allergic reaction."
  • main source of nutrition in 2 answers "Breastmilk should continue to be the main source of nutrition for your son throughout ..."
  • more nutritional value in 2 answers "It has WAY more nutritional value then rice cereal."
  • make my own baby food in 2 answers "I found it a lot easier to make my own baby food than using premade foods, and now ..."