My daughter is nearing the 20-22 lb. weight and we are considering forward facing toddler/convertible car seats. I am having the hardest time getting safety reviews/f...
My daughters car seat will not work in our car when we go to install another car seat next to it. My husband wants to get her a booster seat, and I want to get a dif...
My 4 1/2 month old son will soon be needing a convertible car seat. He is now 19lbs. 6 oz. and is 27 inches. Our infant car seat goes up to 22 lbs. and 30 in. I ha...
My son has grown to tall for his infant seat, so I have to purchase the next stage of car seat. He is already 29" and 18 lbs, so if anyone has had a car seat they jus...
My 5 year old daughter still rides primarily in a car seat however she does have a booster in my husband's car. She prefers the booster but I feel she is safer in a ...
My baby is almost 8 months old. She is about 18 pounds or so. She is still in ther carrier car seat. I am getting ready to start looking for the next step car seat. I...
My husband and I have 2002 Dodge minivan. Our son will turn 3 next month. There seem no space between the driver seat and our son carseat. He does not know how to ...
My 3 year old (who will be 4 in January) no longer fits in her car seat (5 point harness seat). It is not an infant seat - it is a Britax. We can buckle it across her...
I am a new mom who has the Chicco travel system. My question is that when I need to take my son with the car seat on to a shopping cart and into a store, this car sea...