gift ideas 18 month old

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Results 61-70 from 1,551 articles

Sentimental Christmas Gift

D.C. asks from Chicago

We had our first child this year and I would love to get her a sentimental gift; basically start a tradition. Something that we can continue each year and that she c...


Christmas Ideas

M.S. asks from Topeka

I'm just wondering if anyone has any ideas for some toys for an 8 month old boy for Christmas. I Need to buy my nephew something and I'm not sure what is considered ...


Daycare Parting Gift?

C.O. asks from Minneapolis

We started this daycare when my son was 18 months old. He is now 8 years old and only goes when he has days off at school and during some of the summer. My daughter...


Need Advice on Inappropriate Gift

S.L. asks from Springfield

For Christmas, my brother is sending my just two-year old a motorized toy Jeep Rubicon. It is the kind the the child sits in and drives, and can go between 2.5 and 5 ...


First Birthday Gift?

D.S. asks from San Francisco

My little granddaughter turns 1 next week. I have purchased the usual cute little clothes, I quilted her a quilt before she was born--but I would like to give her a ...


Gift Ideas for a 1 Year Old

M.B. asks from Sacramento

My younger son's 1st birthday is approaching next month and I am stumped when it comes to suggestions to my family and friends when they ask "what should I get him fo...


Toy Ideas

J.L. asks from Chicago

I'm looking for some ideas for toys that are a "hit" for a boy that will be 19 months old at Christmas time.


4 Yr Old Girl B-day Gift Ideas

A.B. asks from Cleveland

Hello! My son just started pre-school and has been invited to a classmates birthday party. The party if for a little girl who is turning 4. Any gift ideas? I am n...


Gift for Milestone Birthday....

T.D. asks from Dallas

Another birthday gift question!! My mother in law is having a milestone birthday this year. All the kids want to go in togther and get her something really cool but...


Advice for New Years Gift...

C.K. asks from Springfield

Hi moms! Sorry to bug you about a non "mom" question but just a quickie here. We moved into our home a little over a year ago and are very lucky to have gotten to k...

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Answer Highlights

  • sparkling grape juice in 2 answers "I was thinking maybe a sparkling grape juice and/or a bottle of wine."
  • dont want to hurt his feelings in 2 answers "... for the gift and leave well enough alone. you dont want to hurt his feelings."
  • christmas ornament every year in 2 answers "Getting her a special Christmas ornament every year would ensure that she would have ..."
  • busy ball popper in 2 answers "We got Jack something like the busy ball Popper, not that exact one, but I found the ..."
  • special xmas ornament in 2 answers "I have bought them a special xmas ornament ever since they were born."