My 7yo grandson is in Karate & they are having a Christmas party on Dec 20th. He is all excited about it. They are having a gift exchange during the party. The stud...
Without going into all of the boring details, a friend of mine has a teenage daughter who has been really helpful and I want to give her a little something. She has a...
I am looking for suggestions on a good gift to get a long time girlfriend. We've been friends over 10 years and I really want to get her something other than a gift c...
I just hired this great cleaning lady. The holidays are coming and I want to get her something but I already pay her. I thought of a gift certificate but that's kinda...
Looking for gift suggestions for my son who is making his first holy communion next month. Girls are easy to buy jewelry, etc. for however I am having a harder time ...
My cousin just me an email that she got a new job.
I'm so excited for her.
She is embarking on a new career.
She's about my age.
I would like to buy her a congr...
Does any one have any good ideas for a 12 year anniversary gift? I know traditional is silk and linen, and modern is pearls - all toughies for guys. I'd like to do ...
I am looking for creative gift ideas for my 5 year old niece. She has about everything you could imagine that you can just go buy in the stores, so I am looking for c...
I was wondering if anyone bought a gift for their husband when your baby was born? Our twins came six weeks early and we got engaged on Valentine's day, so this year...
I have to go shopping today for a birthday gift for a little boy who will be 3. I know he's into Thomas the Train but other than that, no ideas. He already has a lot ...