gift for new dad

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Results 131-140 from 6,052 articles

No Mother's Gift for Mom!!!

J.F. asks from Cleveland

OK ladies, If you are a good mom and you do your best caring for your kids, wouldn't you expect a little something on Mother's Day. Well, I got nothing from the fat...


Helping Toddler Adjust to Dad Leaving for Long Term Job

A.F. asks from San Diego

My husband will be starting a long haul trucking job next week. He'll be on the road for at least 2 weeks with only a day or two at home before leaving again. We ar...


Husband to Wife Gift Idea????

L.B. asks from Dallas

My parent's 50th anniversary is coming up soon. I wrote previously to solicit ideas for what I (and my siblings) could do on a shoe-string budget to celebrate my par...


'Arrival' Gift for Baby

P.C. asks from Seattle

My girlfriend and I were at the mall the other day and she asked me to go into Jack and Jill to show me a few gifts she had picked out. One was for a baby shower and ...


PhD Gift Suggestions?

D.B. asks from El Paso

You all always have the greatest suggestions, so I'm hoping you can help with this one: My sister is graduating next month with her PhD in Speech Pathology (YAY!) ...


Mother's Day Gift Ideas

M.M. asks from Detroit

So, Mother's Day is around the corner and I have NO ideas gift wise for my mom. Have you stumbled on any great ideas? My parents live in Florida and need NOTHING. ...


Gift Ideas for a GREAT Pediatrician

J.S. asks from Dayton

Hi moms!! Need you help on a gift idea for our pediatrician. My daughter's pediatrician has been her pediatrician since the day she was born. He was the first dr to s...


Need Gift Ideas

W.M. asks from Nashville

ok ladies, I have already posted this question and did not get one response, surely someone has some ideas! :o) My dad has given us a very nice gift for our new h...


Have You Ever Given a Bad Gift?

T.K. asks from Dallas

Piggy back off the question about recieving bad gifts. We've all gotten some crazy wierd bad gifts. Do you think the gift giver has any idea? Can they tell by the ...


Parents Anniversary Gift

N.G. asks from Chicago

My parents will be married 50 years next month. We are having a big party for them, but my question is what should I get them as a gift. I am completely at a loss a...

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