get a job

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Results 61-70 from 60,550 articles

Job Frustration

M.D. asks from Washington DC

Right now I am extremely blessed to be paid off of the admin account at my company. I have been since 1 January, but I am not sure how long it will last. My company i...


To Take the Job or Not??

T.S. asks from Dallas

I know this may seem like a stupid question but I am battling with it and wonder what my other mammas think. I have been out of work for 11 months now. I have been...


A Real Job?

L.N. asks from Grand Forks

I was a CNA( nursing asst) in a nuresning home until the end of last sept. I would have people calling you on everyday off you have and want you to come in to work, i...


Married to the Job...

T.K. asks from Tulsa

I have been married to the same man for about 15 years. Initially we had the match that we both thought was made in heaven. We met and were married in a total of ab...


Looking for a Job

G.T. asks from Boston

OK, I did a post yesterday about possible divorcing my husband and I realize that I need my own income. I work part time but it is not nearly enough to cover the bill...


"It's the Mommy's Job"

D.A. asks from San Diego

So I have heard this countless times from my husband. Some days are just not so good with him. On his days off he feels that he should get time to do whatever he want...


Job Problems

V.W. asks from Minneapolis

Ever since I've become pregnant, I've been having problems with fainting or almost fainting whenever I stand or walk around for long periods of time. I work as a cash...


Which Job Should I Pursue?

E.J. asks from Lincoln

Hey Mamas! I haven't been on here in forever, but I'm back! I hope some of you remember me :-) I'm not working for the summer outside of 1 little girl I nanny fo...


To Quit My Job?

S.V. asks from Denver

I have been a paralegal for the past 6 years. Once I had my little one I didn't go back to work full time. I chose to only work two days per week and I watch a grea...


A Mother's "Job"

M.L. asks from Seattle

Alright, ladies - I want your honest opinions. I am a SAHM to two children - DD is 4 and DS is 2. I love staying home with them, and count myself very lucky that my h...

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