get a job

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Results 51-60 from 60,550 articles

Job Conundrum

✤.J. asks from Dover

I have a full-time job. For the moment. Theoretically it's supposed to last another full year, but could potentially end any day due to governmental budget cuts. A...


Lose of Job

G.A. asks from Lakeland

what are my options now he lost his job, theres no way i can pay for house or car on my salary, still dont no if he wll get unemployment, even if he does still cant a...


Job Searching

B.P. asks from Cleveland

Well, i just recently got my GED,beginning of may, and have been applying to jobs like CRAZY and have yet to recieve a call for an interview or ANYTHING. my guy and i...


Leaving Job

M.W. asks from Boston

Hello Mamas, So I am very excited to start a new job in a different town. There is more opportunity for me and hopefully less drama!!! My question is, how would you ...


Job Search-Whats the Best Way to Get the Job?

K.N. asks from Dallas

I am looking for a job. Either part time during school hours (no weekends) or full time close(ish) to home. I have been submitting online applications for 4 weeks a...


Husbands Job

D.P. asks from Gainesville

so my husband works for a resturaut here where we live,im wanting to see what your opinions would be on this because his mom passed away holloween 2 yrs ago,now his d...



T.S. asks from Lima

Ok got a tough one here. My hubby and I have three kids ages 4, 2 and 18 months. Our 4 year old is getting ready to go to kindergarden this upcoming fall but here's t...


New Job??

M.L. asks from Indianapolis

I am posting this to just get some opinions from the outside. I recently just got divorced during this process I knew I was going to have to move to a home more affor...


Job Update Once Again

T.D. asks from New York

so my daughters teacher from last year contacted me to let me know that 3 TA positions were opening up in the building. so i acted on this and went to the regional of...


I Want a Job...

E.M. asks from Louisville

IM sure there are Wahm's on this site (work at home moms) well Im a stay at home mom right now b/c of medical reasons. but i would also like to be able to help hunny ...

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Answer Highlights

  • being gone 85 percent in 2 answers "I just could not commit to being gone 85% of the time, especially with '"
  • no amount of money is worth in 2 answers "I want to be comfortable financially, but no amount of money is worth that much time ..."
  • hit the temp agencies in 2 answers "Hit the temp agencies in your area, that would be your best bet."
  • take a deep breath in 2 answers "... responses so if I am repeating anything - I apologize.. 1. Take a deep breath ..."
  • medical leave act in 2 answers "I am pretty sure he will be protected under the Family Medical Leave Act since he ..."