furniture dining table

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Results 91-100 from 429 articles

Looking for Dresser with Hutch

A.W. asks from Dallas

I am looking for a dresser with a hutch for my daughter's bedroom. She collects dolls and I need a place to put them. It has been practically impossible to find what ...


Thank You Gift Ideas for a Cranky but Generous Man?

T.K. asks from Dallas

I'm stumped on this one. My boss is a gruff old Texan. His 40 yr old son has an abrubt, gruff personality as well. After spending 3 minutes with him you are left...


MIL Is a Hoarder

M.W. asks from Chicago

I have no clue how to tactfully handle this situation with my MIL. When you enter her apartment, there is a ton of clutter everywhere you look. Last Saturday, my fa...


Tablecloths or Place Mats?

J.G. asks from Chicago

While putting a tablecloth on our dinning room table the other day, it got me thinking: would clean up using a tablecloth everyday be easier? You can just dump the c...


Is It the House or me...dislike Open Concept

B.S. asks from Boston

Hi everyone, We bought our home 4 years ago, and I'm not sure I've ever been happy with it. Our house is somewhere between 1500-1700 sq feet with an open concept fl...


Organizing and Storage Issues

C.B. asks from Springfield

We will be getting some new furniture in our living room at the end of next week. Problem is my daughter still has toys in the living room like a little tykes washin...


Fruit Flies

G.A. asks from San Francisco

Help! We are in the middle of a fruit fly invasion! Any ideas of how to get rid of these creatures in our home? They really like my chidren's room and the dining room...


Bad Clutter Issues - Need Help

L.G. asks from Cleveland

I grew up in a home where everything had it's place and everything was very neat and tidy most of the time - even with 2 older siblings. I was properly taught how to...


Painting Livingroom

P.V. asks from Dallas

I really need help remodeling a formal living room with lots of light because of a big bay window. The colors I want to use are lavender and sage and maybe brown. So ...


Childproofing, Creative Solutions

J.L. asks from St. Cloud

My son is nearly 15 months old and our daughter is due to arrive in October, so I'm really trying to get our place as "Weston"-proofed as possible. We installed the ...

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