My grandson is fourteen months old. He prefers a bottle to eating. At most meals it's 4 to 8 bites and then he's off and running, only to be begging for formula (bo...
Hi ladies,
I have always been not so blessed with dark circles under my eyes, and they have only gotten worse as time has gone on. My left eye is slightly worse t...
My 7 yr old does not help me out.So we have a family nook and it does not load very well.Well,She gets very upset when it does not work and throws it across that room...
Do you entertain them all day? As in, do you play with them all the time? If not, how well do they play independently? Most of the time DD wonders around the house...
I am concerned about my 2 year olds development. He just turned two in Sept. He can talk but he does not respond to certain things. Whenever we try to ask him his nam...
Hello, i am looking for some inexpensive gift ideas for my aunts/uncles and their families for christmas. i have a LARGE extended family and can not afford to get gi...
I am just curious if anyone has a unique or engaging idea to keep your toddler busy while you cook dinner. On the nights that I cook dinner for the family, my 17 mon...
I work at the emergency veterinary clinic second shift. It is very stressful and emotionally draining. I work two nights a week and most of the day on Saturday and Su...
My 2 1/2 year old daughter is a beautiful, sweet child. However- she has become very stubborn and defiant. Asking her to do something is a battle. Somthing as simple ...
My 4 year old son fractured a bone in his foot and cannot bear wieght for 5 to 6 weeks. We are on day 4 and he is going a little stir crazy. I need ideas for activi...