I have an 11 month old, and am on the fence on the Swine Flu vaccine. What is your opinion on the Swine Flu vaccination? My pediatrician has not received any inform...
Does anyone know the cheap places to get a flu shot? I see that Walmart and some pharmacies are offering them for $25. I was scared of the thymersol (sp?) in them a...
My pediatrician is really pushing for my 4 and 7 year old children to get the flu shot. Two years ago, they had the flu shot and they were so sick I had to keep them...
I am having my yearly quandary re: whether to get my child a flu shot or not. She is 9 and relatively healthy (does get the occasional cold, strep, ear infection, etc...
i am considering subbing for a school district the first of january, and i was wondering how do u teachers protect your self from the seasonal flu and the swine flu? ...
What are your opinions, advice or experiences giving your children a flu vaccine? Is it safe or did they get sick from it? My daughter will be 3 yrs. old and our ped...
So I have never gotten a flue shot before. I am wondering if I should get one this year. Ive never really had the flu(knock on wood). But now that I have two children...
Is there anyone out there not going to give thier children the flu shot? They say this year is going to be the worst. I have never got the flu shot and so far i have ...
Is the flu shot definitely a dead virus that they give you? I know I probably sound crazy asking this question but I have OCD and it makes you stress and worry about...