My 4 month old weighs 20 lbs. now. He is VERY uncomfortable in the car seat we bought before he was born. Don't recall the brand now but we can barely buckle him up w...
My 5 month old baby girl is 28.5 inchs long which means she is handing out of her car seat. She is taking after my 6'8" husband, I am sure my little girl is going to ...
Getting ready to upgrade from infant carseat to something my little girl won't feel so scrunched in. She's only 9 months old so it needs to be one that can face rear ...
We are about to purchase a new car seat for our one year old. We are trying to decide what brand to get and whether or not to get the convertible or not. Any sugges...
I have been looking at this carseat on the Costco website. though it gets good consumer reviews, I can't seem to find any safety reviews online derived from actual p...
My son is almost 13 months, is 30in. and 20lbs 11.5oz. He has always hated the car and I think it's because he must get car sick or just really hates sitting rear fa...
Hello Moms-
I need some advise! My husband & I are looking to buy a new stroller and a new car seat for our 6 month old daughter, She has almost outgrown our Gra...
I am trying to find a SAFE but inexpensive convertible car seat. Does anyone have or know if the Cosco Scenera Convertible Car Seat (in Katie) is any good? I found i...
I am looking to buy a convertible car seat for my son, but our backseat does not have much room. The Britax Marathon is definitely too big, and that was our top choi...
We are searching for a car seat that will be the last one we buy. Here are the criteria we're looking to match: converts to a booster, under $200, AND (the biggie) h...