We are looking for a good toddler booster seat. My daughter is 2.5 years, 31 pounds and 36 inches. She still needs a 5-point harness, but I would like one that goes...
Hi Moms. I am having trouble with my daughter's car seat. She's two, she's 36 pounds so we bought a "booster" style seat that has a bottom base for her to sit on an...
My 3 yr old will need to move to a booster seat within the next 6 mo or so and was wondering if anyone had any good recommendations? I'd like to get one that still h...
We need to buy two more car seats for my husbands truck now that we are putting our girls in daycare and he will be the one picking them up everyday. Our olde...
Hello All! Was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for a car seat for my 5 month old son. He is out growing the infant carrier! Too heavy for me to carry etc. ...
I have a 3 year old son who and we are expecting a new baby in December. I originally bought a baby carrier car seat for my first son and then as he got bigger i plac...
My 2 1/2 year old son has practically outgrown his carseat. He weighs 38 pounds and is also tall for his age. Are there any recommendations out there about what I s...
Hello Mamas,
I will be purchasing 3 new toddler carseat/booster seats WITH FIVE POINT HARNESS for my little girl as my baby is now getting too big for the inf...
My daughter is finally big enough to move to a forward facing carseat and I am planning on buying the Britax Marathon for my car, which we use most often, but I am de...
My son is 29 months and he is currently in a booster seat (with the back part)because he weighs 38lbs. Over the past month or so, he has been taking off his seatbelt ...